# Unimpressed - Splinter Stats Ranked Rewards Season 41 Report Card

in splinterstats •  5 months ago


    I was hoping that at least the end of Season would give me some excitement to offset the continued frustration from manually playing Modern league but I was disappointed yet again. After battling so much to have a shot at Champion Division I on the last day, I could not extend a small streak I had and fell well short of the goal. The worst part is that I was even in Wins to Losses but my rating would go down because of the opponents. I quit early as I had gotten enough chests for my end of Season but then came the worst; I still have not gotten the single BCX I need to complete my Soulbound reward set!

    Match Report


    RankChampion #573Champion #75
    Rating3702 - Champion III4191 - Champion II
    Rating High37024234
    Ratio (Win/Loss)2.71 (19/7)1.08 (157/145)
    Longest Streak68

    My performance was not bad this Season but my luck was as I could not hold on to any streaks. Losing is so painful as my ranked points get hit but even the opportunity costs grows as well. I hope changes come soon or I will find myself surfing Praetoria as soon as I get my last Soulbound card.

    Tournaments Report


    TournamentLeagueEditionsPlacement/#entrantsRatio (Win/Loss+Draw)Prize
    Victor's Modern Gold InvitationalGoldModern Open58/1861.20 (12/10/0)60 SPS


    SplinterShards (SPS)160
    Fees (estimate)Quantity

    Tournaments was a bit better as at least I enjoy a fair understanding on what it takes to get me to the leaderboard. It also continues to be my experiment ground for Rebellion but not with much success as it is clear that Chaos Legion remains the meta.

    Rewards Report

    Standard Foil Cards
    Total Standard357
    Gold Foil Cards
    Total Gold23

    Loot Chests

    Reward ChestsDailiesSeasonTotal💲Token
    Legendary Potions703223926🟡 37040
    Alchemy Potions8762621138🟡 56900
    DEC00-🟣 0
    SPS468.499152.002-⭐ 620.501
    Merits25326679-🎀 9211
    CHAOS Packs000🟡 0
    Cards (Total)236144380-

    Captured DEC/SPS (Ranked Rewards)

    Ranked Play WinsDEC Earned
    176🟣 0 + ⭐1617.910

    Total Ranked Play Rewards

    Total Ranked Play Earnings
    🟣 0 DEC
    🟡 93940 CREDITS
    ⭐ 2238.411 SPS

    No comment on reward cards as I still am seeking just one single bcx for my complete set. Not too mad that I got a GFL at the end but that made up for my worst SPS draw ever for a Season End.

    ⭐ SPS Report

    Type⭐ Amount
    Staking Rewards528.026
    Ranked Rewards as above2238.411
    Brawl Rewards1198.498
    Tower Defense930.335
    NET SPS4895.270
    + Voucher Drops57.558 🎟️

    No comment on reward cards as I still am seeking just one single bcx for my complete set. Not too mad that I got a GFL at the end but that made up for my worst SPS draw ever for a Season End.

    I love the ecosystem and the game but I am getting frustrated more often these days. I may have to take a break to really want to do this every day. I am focusing on land to avoid the experience of frustration but I hope something changes soon despite the continued echo of not enough resources from the team. We need a pivotal moment for sustainability.

    Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
    This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
    Follow @splinterstats and come visit us in Discord if you have any questions.

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