battlemages secrets feat. equal opportunity

in splinterlands •  4 months ago

    So hello once again it is I butops here with a new battlesecret for me to share to you once more, so these past weeks have been hard for me but nonetheless still need to play splinterlands everyday to find that elusive ruleset well with that said lets begin but.....

    Before we begin I always do these posts live on my twitch channel

    where I always do my post 100% raw and non plagiarizing so i know im not cheating the hell out of every post I make all right lets do this shall we

    So equal opportunity a ruleset in which everybody gets granted with the opportunity ability doesnt work when you have no attack though so the best rememdy is to have weapons trainer alongside it ok lets go do this thing

    so as for the monsters i'm using here is my lineup


    possiblus the wise level 2 regular owned



    noa the just gold foil owned

    2nd position


    kulu mastermind level 2 regular owned

    3rd position


    merdaali guardian level 3 gold foil owned

    4th position

    igor darkspear level 1 owned

    5th position

    pelacor bandit level 5 regular owned

    So if you want to watch the realtime battle heres the link

    so heres the word for word description on the battle please enjoy reading

    round 1


    the round starts with noa attacking the deamonshark for 3 armor


    the enemy bandit attacks my own for 3 damage and the deamonshark returns back the damage to my noa's armor by 3.
    the enemy deep lurker finishes off my bandit with 5 damage


    the enemy blight scavenges 1 hp

    my kulu mastermind attacks kills the uraeus in 1 attack the damages the deep lurker for 4 damage in its rampage


    the blight scavenges for 1 hp, my igor attacks for 1 hp


    the merdaali attacks rampaging on killing the deeplurker and damaging the enemy blight for 3 hp


    dr blight attacks sealing my merdaali's healing

    Round 2


    noa attacks destroying the deamonshark's armor


    the enemy bandit attacks my igor for 1 hp and the enemy deamonshark breaks noa's armor for 3 damage


    my kulu attacks on a rampage killing the pelacor bandit and doctor blight thanks to trample


    igor and the merdaali attack the deamonshark dealing 4 damage
    the deamonshark gets enraged and more powerful

    round 3

    noah attacks dealing 3 damage to the deamonshark


    my kulu attacks but misses
    so igor finishes the match with a final strike

    SO what have we learned in this match?

    See its best to utilize high speed units in this match especially those that can strike and debuff the enemy even before the match starts like noa the just thereby taking the advantage to those players that really love their armor buffs by kelya

    so yes this ends my battlemage post for this week i be writing a new one once I find out what it is and...
    if anybody is reading this that is interested with the game please click the link right here

    SO PEOPle that are reading this i hope i didnt take much of your time

    this has been butops

    have a nice day

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