Splinterlands battle challenge featuring close range part 1

in splinterlands •  5 months ago

    Ok so hello there my name is butops once again with another battle challenge for you to see featuring close range

    What is close range you might ask well its a rule set and ability which renders your ranged units able to attack at the frontlines its only weakness plenty of debuffs of the ranged variety and quix
    so without further ado please enjoy part 1 thats right this is a 2 parter with a 2nd match to be made after this took a while though so without anymore distractions lets go

    oh and also i'm doing this live on my channel on twitch so you know i aint cheating this out of anyone

    heres the link for the match to watch it on realtime

    this first one is a little short so lets see who we are using



    avina of the wolf level 1 regular



    drybone barbarian level 6 (reduced to level 1 because of tournament rules)

    2nd position


    venari crystalsmith level 4 regular

    3rd position

    soul fiend level 1 regular

    my strategy is to use avina's front heal ability granting my drybone barbarian heal in case my backline dies

    Round 1


    enemy inevitable attacks destroying my divine shield
    followed by the celestial harpy but does no damage because of my shield

    round 2


    my drybone barbarian attacks only damaging 2 armor to the inevitable it counters and damages me back with 2 damage but triggers my enrage status


    enemy celestial harpy attacks killing my soulfiend


    the crystalsmith heals me back to full health and removes my enrage status as the round ends

    round 3


    celestial harpy attacks my crystalsmith removing its divine shield

    the drybone barbarian retaliates to the inevitable with 2 damage because of shield the crystalsmith restores 2 hp back to the barbarian oncwe again ending the round

    round 4


    the harpy targets the crystalsmith for 2 damage
    the drybone barbarian strikes a blow one again with the inevitable down to 10hp
    the crystalsmith heals the barbarian once again not before trying to damage the inevitable to no avail ending the round

    round 5


    the enemy goes for a quick attack
    inevitable reactivates my drybone barbarians enrage while the celestial harpy kills my crystalsmith


    The round ends with the drybone activating avina's shared ability to heal and recovers back to full health

    round 6~8


    consecutive 3 damage due to the attacks of the inevitable and harpy while the drybone slowly recovers 2 hp each time

    round 9


    the barbarian attacks but misses the inevitable
    the inevitable strikes back with 2 damage


    the harpy attacks for 2 the drybone barbarian recovers for 2hp once more and kills the inevitable

    round 10


    starting the round with the harpy attacking for 2 hp while the drybone barbarian heals 2 hp then dukes out 6 damage to the harpy which misses

    round 11


    once again with the same move for the round but the drybone manages to get a hit but removes the divine shield in the process ending the round

    round 12

    the drybone recovers to 9hp then dukes out a 6 damage strike to the harpy killing it

    round 13


    the enemy soulfiend launches an attack and lands 1 damage
    my drybone recovers and cures its rage
    my drybone barbarian attacks breaking the soul fiend divine shield

    round 14


    repeat of the same round but this time my drybone barbarian lands the killing blow on the soul fiend ending the match and netting me the win


    my thoughts on the match-

    good thing its a low mana match i didnt want to use any magic since its also a reflect rule but glad to say i persevered against a hard enemy and did not really bring multiple ranged units to serve in the match

    wow that was long well not really this is only a 4 minute read
    well I hope you learned something on this
    if you are interested in trying out splinterlands
    heres the link right here https://splinterlands.com?ref=butops

    hmm i was supposed to do part 2 well I'm going to do that when I wake up later with that said
    this has been butops

    have a nice day

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