Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge! Fog of War!

in splinterlands •  3 months ago


    RULESET: Fog of War


    All units lose the Sneak, Snipe, and Opportunity abilities.

    Scattershot still works in this ruleset.

    General Strategy for Fog of War Ruleset:

    Put a very strong tank in front and put your Magic or Ranger highest damage dealer with lowest defense in last places, this main sound like a normal battle strategy but no, on the last place you should be putting something with some defense in case of sneak attacks, on Fog of war you can be as greedy as you want and get away with it. Shield and Void are excellent abilities for the tank, resurrection is very strong on this ruleset since it going to resurrect your tank most likely, you can use a good target for resurrection like something with lots of Void Armor or Divine Shield and order well your team, mostly put , Scattershot could be a good idea to ruin the opponent formation.

    My Battle:

    Battle Link: Click Here to see the Full Battle.

    Others Rulesets and battle Conditions:

    Even Stevens: Only Monsters with Even mana cost may be used in battle.

    Mana Cap: 56.

    Splinters Allowed: Death, Fire, Earth.

    About this Battle:

    For this Battle, I was expecting magic damage from my opponent, chose the Death summoner that reduce Magic damage and health from my opponent but my opponent decided to use full range damage, I pick Arkemist the bear as a tank, didn´t have something better with Even mana cost at the time, but Protect is still a good ability in case of Scattershot, pick 4 magic attackers and Raa with ranged and Scattershot on last place, my opponent use 2 tanks with Protect, think he was expecting Scattershot fortunately I only use one unit with it, he also use Repair a Range unit with Close Range and lot of health and 2 others ranger with high damage high speed and both giving swiftness ability, he will be attacking first each turn with his speed advantage but since mostly of my damage is magic I will not be missing hits, I use Blind so my opponent may miss more hits than me.

    My Team:


    My Opponent Team:

    Round 2

    Round 3

    Round 4

    Round 5

    Round 6

    It was a very close fight since Raa can not attack in close range, I was a 1 point of health of losing the battle, fortunately Raa stop missing all his attacks at the end of the match and give me the victory, plus the lucky stun save me as well.

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