My thoughts on the new progressive match formats

in splinterlands •  4 months ago

    Hello It is I again butops here again with another weekly post for the social media challenge

    So today I will be talking about the new match format and how the progressive battles can mean as a whole lot on the spl community as a whole so where do I start?


    Well not much to say but it has been going a little well on my side been winning battles here and there but as they say they will be pros and cons to this new setting

    Pros: battles are now restriction free meaning you can unleash your unshaken fury on to your enemies as well as access to abilities not used on the lower leagues


    Cons: You are restricted to your highest leveled summoner meaning even if your monsters are at their highest they are limited to the summoner that you are using no matter the league that you are in

    Remedy: you can beat whales but its going to depend on your tactical prowess like this match right here

    So with that said I'm seeing that a lot of people will favor this kind of gameplay at the same time a number of people will call for backlash because their bots cant handle being beaten up by every whale they come across in bronze but overall this type of progressive gameplay will be a fresh new take of making battles competitive and given more of a soul than being dead fisheyes doing the same bot things eevery single time

    well that pretty much took a chunk out of my braain than usual
    As always I do this post every week on my twitch channel so you know I will never plagiarize everyone

    and If you are new to the game and want to play on the new play format please dont hesitate to push the link right here

    so this ends my new post for this week will wait for the equalizer rule on my matches to make the battlemage secrets so until then this has been butops

    HAVE A nicE DAY

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