Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets - Eternan Brune, Chimney, The Drybone Raider and ... Opportunities

in splinterlands •  4 months ago

    Greetings ++Splinterlands++ Summoners! The classic weekly battle challenge retired to make way for the Battle Mage Secrets series, making it more entertaining. This new set-up adds a focus on dynamic strategies, as players will be able to choose from a greater selection of more diverse units to bring into battle.

    Let's enjoy the Equal Opportunity ruleset, and all the units gain the ... opportunity ability. This boost at the start of the combat will allow them to attack the unit with the lowest health on the enemy team.

    This leaves place for interpretation and special tactics where the unit with the lowest health could trigger something like Martyr. What's your approach for this type of battle?


    What if you could use Eternan Brune for a battle with Equal Opportunity, and then add over-powered melee units like Chimney Wallstop, the Drybone Raider, or the Tenyii Striker? HELL YEAH!

    The mana cap was generous so I went crazy with melee units on steroids. The Equal Opportunity rule was doubled by Explosive Weaponry and all attacks will spread blast damage! Time for the Drybone Raider to shine!

    Eternan Brune: -2 Armor to enemies & +1 Gladiator Card

    Antoid Platoon: Melee with Shield

    Chimney Wallstop: Melee with Bloodlust and Reach

    Tenyii Striker: Melee with Sneak

    Drybone Raider: Melee/Ranged with Double-Strike

    Firecaller: Ranged with Martyr

    Scorch Fiend: Melee Decoy


    I was facing Tarsa and she's good at boosting melee attacks! My idea was to take off quickly with the Drybone Raider and the four attacks this unit will do each round. All of them will deal blast damage as well, so prepare for explosions and fireworks.

    The Scorch Fiend was the first decoy, then the Firecaller will be next on the hit-list, due to his low health. Tarsa's team was strong on melee fighters, with boosted HP and damage.

    The Drybone Raider stats got boosted through Martyr, and that blasting attacks will shake the battleground. First attack targeted the Chaos Agent, with blast on the Djinn Apprentice.... same with the second one! The Chaos Agent has fallen and Djinn had the same fate.

    The third attack from the Drybone Raider blasted into the Tenyii Striker, and the last one was devastating! It took down Uraeus and blasted into the Radiated Scortcher and the striker!

    Chimney had the honor to end the battle and had a dose of bloodlust! Have you ever ended a battle so quick? See the full battle here!


    Residual Income:

    Games: Upland / Splinterlands / ++Doctor Who++

    Cashback Cards: Plutus Card / Crypto.com

    ZCash: PipeFlare / GlobalHive

    Publishing bundle: Publish0x, Hive & Presearch

    PVMihalache The Author - My Amazon Books


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