Life after splinterlandstv and what i did with my paycheck

in splinterlands •  5 months ago

    Ok hello it is I Butops with a story

    So yes months ago splinterlandstv ended the airwaves on september 2023,
    Sure it was a little disheartening for some because this gig was a source of living for some of us so it was a devastating blow that pretty much hit with the changes of the company dividing with the channel being the one to be put down

    And so as you know being employed there well I saved my money from all my time spent being a streamer that 1000 dollars that i saved I pretty much used half for my internet bill as for the other half well

    I went with some investments like nine chronicles

    I only spent 40 bucks on this so dont worry it wont replace splinterlands

    I even came back to my old game this year the one I was saying was close to soulkeep in terms of gameplay crazy defense heroes


    I even invested like 30 packs for riftwatchers but that was from outside sources still part of my paycheck though still my last money helped my deck to grow at its last peaks

    and finally my last 300 dollars i spent on an upgrade for my PC

    the ZOTAC RTX 4060 solo


    Hey I need a proper graphics card for my PC
    and the encoding in this thing makes sure that my streams are sufficient enough

    Well splinterlands changed my life for the better it got me a job and managed to start me on the streaming business although hehe the earnings when I solo stream isnt enough like my salary on the splinterlandstv channel but hey as long as I'm happy streaming my games then its fine

    Sure wish I could have support for promoting splinterlands though but its just wishful thinking on my part

    As for my deck well its been in recession in price since the crash still its getting there being all silver and such its kinda hard to grind now well i can still wing it though hehe i'm one tough cookie to crack


    So Guys I hope you werent bored with my story though with how my life is after splinterlandstv still I stream and promote the game everyday even if people dont really come that much gonna ask for some support though to keep the audience interested well I know its just me wishful thinking but hey never hurts to try right

    If you want to donate some stuff to give away on my channel at
    twitch that is

    kindly send it to my ign :butops

    and also if anyone is reading this and wants to be a part of the splinterlands community heres my link

    so heres for another week of me writing a blog i forgot where i was in the rebellion reviews but i will come back to it when i can as writing these things everyweek have been a good refresher for me ayoooo!!!!

    so this has been butops

    have a nice day

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