My Splinterlands Remarkable Journey - War Wagons, Conflicts and Remarkable Armor

in splinterlands •  3 months ago

    I am working hard to build a remarkable legacy on ++Splinterlands++, but is so hard when the planets align against me. The second conflict ended as rewardless as the first one, and watching others brag about their rewards leaves a sour taste!

    If you're new to Splinterlands... you're missing the best strategic multiplayer game powered by digital-collectible trading card game! Lots of fancy words so lets make it simple ... you try to create the most optimal 7-card deck to fight against opponents.

    I set new goals for 2024... to get at least one airdrop card through Conflicts, open at least 25 Rebellion packs, and reach Gold I at least once! None of them happened so far and is a big chance to end the year with a remarkable failure!


    I want to earn at least one airdrop card through Conflicts! The plan was to buy at least 5 War Wagons during the newly Conflicts phase, and fill them with my best cards. Nothing from the first one, with 14 chances! Nothing from the second one, with 15 chances! I had to step up my game and make it remarkable!

    Target Achieved! I splashed the cash and got a big bag of VOUCHERS, plus a decent amount of $DEC, and got 10 packs and fresh war wagons. Raised the total wagons to 13 and also staked 4 Rebellion packs for Conflicts.


    tl;dr: the third one stared and turned us into wanted mages... but Avina of the Wolf saved us from the Pirates of Eight! I joined Commander Goff and his knights in their quest to gather reinforcements for the rising rebellion in New Dawn.

    The farming is going much better now with the enhanced hourly rate, and already accumulated 8 chances for Venka The Vile! There are 18 days left from this conflict, and things are looking much better with the new 6550 hourly rate!

    There are about 450 hours left from "Vile and Violence", and 1,600,000 points left to be earned. The estimated chances for this conflict will raise to 24, which is a big bounce from the previous two attempts. Will the considerably higher rate be enough?


    I reached Gold III few times, and touched Gold II once... therefore the Gold I target was sensible! But this time I've completed the task with remarkable resilience! I did achieved the goal and went above and beyond!

    One by one my opponents have fallen to my superior skills and power! I unlocked the Diamond Wild League! I was supposed to get 1.6% Legendary chance and 4% Gold Foil chance in the Diamond Reward Chests... but the system revamped!


    **The Mighty Winer Bull And Remarkable Armors! **

    There are many interesting combos between battle-rules and abilities, but Armored Up and Void are creating something special! The Armored Up gives all monsters 2 armor at the start of the game, in addition to their normal armor stats, while Void reduces the damage taken from magic attacks by 50%.

    Why is this a good mix? Because casters are often used when Armored-Up appears, to ignore the buff and hit straight into the health points. Can this combo by amplified? Yes ... with strong casters and Torhilo in front of them!

    Torhilo the Frozen is a ... massive frozen bull! This raging beast is one of the Frost Giant’s only friends left in the world. He has lived for hundreds of years and is growing tired, but still charges at everything he faces with vigor and deadly horns. The epic Water monster costs 9 mana, bringing strength and magic resistance. He has four melee damage, eight health points, four armor, gaining Last Stand and Shatter when upgraded.


    Frozen Void Will Never Shatter! I had to play along with only 30 mana, and somehow get the maximal benefit of the Armored Up battle rule. I choose Torhilo as my tank, backed up from behind by two OP casters. There will be more magic than Hogwarts!

    Kelya Frendul: +1 Speed & +1 Armor

    Torhilo the Frozen: Melee with Void

    Djinn Oshannus: Caster with Void

    Nerissa Tridown: OG & OP Caster


    I was facing a mirror version of Kelya Frendul, one with Djinn Oshannus but with a focus on deadly melee sea creatures. I thought that I have a strategy advantage... but was I right?

    Grinding in the first round, with Torhilo armor taking heavy hits from melee monsters. By frozen bull wasn't affected much by magic, looking strong with 6 health points, while the Diemonshark was struggling to stay alive.

    Oshannus, my version of the Djinn, took care of the injured Diemonshark and gave me an early advantage. Nerissa wanted some fancy sushi for dinner, but she had to settle with fried Hardy Stonefish. Torhilo was melting, but still in power against the fake Djinn!


    Some like fish, others like a good stake! Considering Torhilo cold nature, his t-bone will probably be cooked rare! His demise leaded to a Djinn battle, where non of them could fully use their magic power!

    The hustle led to a weird balance, where my opponent could damage Oshannus with brute force and I had magical upper hand. Will Nerrisa be able to make the difference when both djinns will return in their lamps?


    The bad Oshannus was no longer a threat, and my one managed to fight another round. He had only three health left when both Igor Darkspear and the Deeplurker missed their attacks. Then the random hit again, with the Deeplurker missing another deadly blow!

    My troops are not that merciful, and never gave my opponents a second chance! Deeplurker down, Ouze down ... and Igor to follow! See the full battle here!


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    ZCash: PipeFlare / GlobalHive

    Publishing bundle: Publish0x, Hive & Presearch

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