close range of splinterlands

in splinterlands •  5 months ago

    Hello everyone, this time I will bring you a special battle of splinterlands.


    Battle Link

    This battle is one of the ranked battles.

    RULESET: Close Range


    Units with ranged attacks are allowed to attack in the first position.

    According to the rules, it can be seen that this is a rule that can use 34 magic values, the set is a relatively large rule set, and it is a bow and arrow, which can be used in the front, so you can use gladiators.
    And from the rule questions, it can be seen that monsters and summoners can use the element of light, so I chose the Gladiator Summoner because he can add armor to the entire team and use magic attacks on Gladiators.

    Light Element Gladiator Summoner, who can add armor to all friendly monsters.
    For the position of the tank, I chose a monster with rage ability, which has strong attack power. If the rage ability is triggered, it will double the attack power.
    And with the summoner's increased armor ability, it can effectively resist enemy attacks on it.
    The second position refers to a monster that can be summoned by consuming two magic points. It has the ability of magic reflection and flight, and its speed is also relatively fast, which can withstand enemy progress and long-range attacks.

    The third position is a magical attack monster with the ability to repair armor, regenerate, and fly. It is a legendary monster with great abilities.
    The fourth one is just an epic monster that can be summoned by consuming only two magic points. It has the ability to increase reflexes and can effectively resist enemy magic attacks.

    The fifth one is our gladiator, who has the ability to snipe and can attack four magic spells at a time. He is a powerful attacking player and has bloodthirsty ability. If he kills an enemy, his ability can be improved.


    The last position is a monster that can be summoned by consuming only one magic point. It has the ability to dodge and has the opportunity to avoid physical attacks from enemies, which can protect our defense line.

    Okay, now let's take a look at the specific combat process.
    All the monsters appeared, and it can be seen that the enemy used summoners with increased long-range attack ability, which happened to fall into our gladiator's trap. Our gladiator's ability is to snipe the enemy's monsters, and it is a magic attack that can effectively strike the enemy's rear position.
    The monster at the enemy's sniper position in the second round was killed by our sniper type gladiator.

    And it also stimulates bloodthirsty ability, enhances attack power and speed.
    the third round, our tank was killed by the enemy, but the enemy's center and rear lines continued to be attacked by our gladiators.
    And without any accidents, we should be able to win on this battle.
    In the fourth round, as expected, the enemy's medium line of defense was constantly attacked by our gladiators, and victory continued to expand.

    In the fifth round, the enemy only has two monsters left, and failure will be inevitable.

    Finally, we achieved victory by rewarding 1.908 SPS and improving rankings by 10 places.
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    *All the images in this article are credited to
    If there is any infringement, please inform me and it will be deleted immediately.

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