Splinterlands - Social Media Challenge: Speed = Wins!

in splinterlands •  4 months ago

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    Hello everyone, it's Thursday blogging day again! But only one challenge has been released so far... so let's get started with that! This weeks Social Media Challenge is the same as last weeks:

    Here's how you can join in on the excitement:
    🔥 Share Your Most Remarkable Splinterlands Moments: Do you possess a battle of epic proportions that deserves to be seen by all? Have you crafted something extraordinary within the Splinterlands realm? Maybe you've got profound thoughts, insights, or strategies related to stats, cards, abilities, or gameplay that are waiting to be shared? We want it all, and we want it to be nothing short of AMAZING!

    If you're a Splinterlands player yourself and not taking part of these challenges, when you have some spare time, you should really consider it because you can earn a little extra with it, doing this twice every week, I can put around $50 into my Splinterlands accounts from these earnings alone! 🤑

    To find out how you can participate in this challenge yourself, you can find the Splinterlands post here.

    If you want to start blogging yourself, but don't know how to start, I've got you covered on that too 😊 I made a tutorial for that, you can read it here.

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    As a daily Splinterlands player, there are enough remarkable moments! Of course not every battle is the most exciting but new rulesets are added regularly, adding new metas and new possibilities so that's exciting!

    For this weeks blog, I want to talk about the single most important stat in the game: Speed, and a ruleset where this gets boosted even further...

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    the 'What doesn't kill you', or simply 'enrage' ruleset!

    Both the melee and speed stats get boosted when the monster is damaged here, good to know: when the monster is healed back to full health, the enrage is removed until it gets damaged again, ranged and magic damage units only get their speed boosted.

    With this ruleset, I generally see high damage melee units being played who have a good amount of speed on their own, like Grund or even better: the Coeurl Lurker, who almost is impossible to hit without magic, that really is the Achilles heel for that strategy, but I found an even better card to use in this ruleset, and it's not a melee card at all!

    The battle I want to share for this post is a 39 mana Wild League, Heavy Hitters / What doesn't kill you / Blood and Sunder battle in Diamond II, with only Fire, Water and Life to be chosen. Not a lot of options here when you consider speed is the most important factor here, so Fire is not an option, when you want to counter a Lurker play, Life / Magic could very well be a good option, but the Water team delivers more speedy units and has more monsters that have a speed management ability like Swiftness or Slow, so Water it is! Of course, the most likely option for my opponent is also water, let's hope he's not using the same strategy as me 😁

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    My strategy in short: Boost OShannus with the Martyr, resurrect to boost one more time so he gets to 4 damage and uhm... 10 speed before he's getting the enrage boost for 50% more speed, bringing it to 15 (!!!). Because he has the Phase ability too, it's going to be VERY hard to hit him, even with magic, my complete backline is for speed management and doing magic damage, killing those fast melee units that we see often in these rulesets.

    Since I upgraded my deck to Gold level just before the new ranked play changes were launched, so I couldn't decline league promotions anymore (before the change I declined advancing to Diamond because I was afraid of meeting those max level players and getting my ass kicked tbh 😁) I'm pushing into Diamond in the last week of the season with my Gold deck, and it's not even very bad there, we're talking about Wild League of course, IMO Modern is brutal nowadays, so I only switch to it in the last days of the season when I'm getting close to Diamond I in Wild, I can't compete very effective there...

    First look at the battlefield:


    O boy! a max level player! And he definitely got the importance of speed too since he's using two monsters with the Swiftness ability, with Kelya providing one more speed also, the Lurker is going to do a good amount of damage and will be almost impossible to hit... when you're not using magic 😉

    One more important ability which I haven't mentioned before for this ruleset: the Forcefield ability! Attacks with 5 damage or more gets reduced to 1, with the enrage ruleset, it's more than likely the damage output is higher than 5 🙂

    My Line-Up:

    • Summoner: Kelya Frendul - reason: Access to the Water splinter, +1 speed.
    • First position: Venari Marksrat - reason: Martyr.
    • Second position: Djinn Oshannus - reason: Fast, Phase, Forcefield.
    • Third position: River Helondale - reason: Resurrect the martyr, magic damage.
    • Fourth position: Baakjira - reason: High HP for 6 mana, the Slow ability, self heal.
    • Fifth position: Daarg Deadblast - reason: Weapons Train adjacent cards.
    • Sixth position: Clockwork Aide - reason: Swiftness, sneak defence.

    The Battle:


    Round 1: As planned, my martyr died, got resurrected and died again, boosting Oshannus to 4 damage and a whopping 10 speed, and the Marksrat also took quite a few hits before it died. The enemy Lurker is already hurt pretty bad.


    Round 2: Lurker got killed, but he has a nice off-tank too, the Flying Squid, cool to see it at max level, it has a good amount of HP and is up to 12 speed now, so a pretty good chance in hitting Oshannus, bad for him is, Oshannus will fire first, killing the Squid 🙂. I think it's safe to say this battle is already decided.


    Round 3: One magic hit on Oshannus, being halved by Void, so that's fine, the heavy damage ranged hits both missed. It's only mopping up the rest of the team now really..


    Round 4: Only one ranged unit left, unable to fire from the first position.


    Round 5: it's a win! 20k RP and almost a half SPS, I don't have nearly enough SPS staked for Diamond League, you need whale amounts for that! I don't even have enough for Gold I, with about 38k in total.

    You can watch the battle unfold for yourself here.


    Pretty cool to win against a player with so much power 😁 GG Extraball!

    Well, thanks for reading if you got this far, and I can hopefully make the Battle Mage Secrets post later today, if it launches in the next 8 or so hours, if not, I'll make it this Saturday.
    I was planning to take a nice walk to get my actifit activity points to earn a little extra $ to buy cards with, but it's raining all day... 😒

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    Thank you for reading!!!

    If you haven't made an account already, please consider using my referral link to sign up, I'll happily send the amount I get for your signup back to you in DEC or SPS to help you start.

    Have a great day!

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