No luck on rage

in splinterlands •  5 months ago

    Hello it is I butops once again making something to share with you all
    As you know the new rebellion airdrop has arrived I checked to see my chances as I only have 20 chances and so I checked to see if I would be blessed


    but lo and behold I did not get anything from this conflict
    so with that i must accept that my luck was not good for this one and so begins the conflict for the 2nd airdrop which is kei


    still needing some cards to upgrade my wagons with still a little bit of points makes a difference in chance quantity

    as for my farms well 62-thece has now been converted to a grain farm


    like matt said grain will be crucial to the betterment of the economy
    well i sure hope we can sell grain not players being sold grain

    butops need to survive in this economy too and I need cash to pay my bills and improve my deck
    well with that I end my social media post for this week

    It was short but you know sometimes what you share may not be the longest but you have to share it so the world could see it

    oh and if you are interested in playing the game like i said my link is right here

    so yeah thank you very much for reading and or listening to this post if you pushed the text to speech button

    this has been butops

    have a nice day

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