My lands- an update

in splinterlands •  5 months ago

    Well hello everyone it is I again butops making waves to share with you guys for this week I am going to share to you what is happening to my lands

    2 months ago land was implemented it just so happened that I have 3 lands but sadly only 1 is in operation because somehow i did not think it through i should have went with grain on all of them

    all right with that said lets check my lands up first is my land in land of prosperity 42 on gentry heights


    So far its going there its generating grain quite nicely even at 38 grain an hour thats impressive compared to others without land and I only have 2 monsters in there


    yeah i only have a level 4 thaddius brood gold foil and a max level rare naga assassin regular in there well at least it gets the job done unlike my other farms


    so this is my 2nd farm still non operational because for some reason i did not notice that i can transfer grain for myself in other regions ahhhhhhhhh

    and frickin hive is clogged up again now i gotta wait a day to transfer my grainn aaaahhhhh!!!!!!! well nothing we can do about this except wait next harvest im turning this into another grain farm and im gonna be forced to wait a month for this ahhh life such misfortune ........

    ok on to farm number 3


    136 yumbra so this thing is a work in progress because 1 I do not have any more workers to put in it 2nd i dont wanna unlock my soulbound rewards there are others that can do that eventually like harklaw

    but you know poor as a rat so that thing will have to wait or until i decide to sell it which I wont but you never know lets see till land 2.0

    so yeah doing this live because hive decided to clog so i cant do any battles
    if you guys are reading this dont forget to visit my channel at butopstv on twitch

    and remember if you want to start the game on splinterlands my link is right here

    oh right after this im gonna do the card reviews for my 2nd post on the social media challenge so be sure to stay tuned

    well that ends the 1st part of my socmed entry

    this has been butops
    have a nice day

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