Share Your Battle! The Bloodlust

in splinterlands •  6 months ago

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    • Every time it defeats an opponent, it gets +1 to all stats
    • In the Reverse Speed ruleset, -1 to Speed

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    Hello Splinters Family

    This week, my article is about bloodlust. Bloodlust triggers each time a monster kills an opponent, granting it a +1 increase to all its stats. In a reverse speed rule, instead of increasing the speed, it decreases it by -1. All monsters from the Gladius edition are equipped with bloodlust abilities. The very first reward featuring bloodlust is Jared Scar, making it a frequent choice for me, especially when the rule involves equal opportunity and melee mayhem. This is because Jared Scar can attack from any position on the battlefield. The bloodlust ability gained even more strength with the emergence of the "born again" rule, where all monsters acquire the ability to resurrect once during a battle.

    Below are the Gladius Edition Cards.


    Now, there are additional monsters with bloodlust that are not part of the Gladius Edition set. Among the newly added monsters, I often use Sea Wreck. Aside from the bloodlust ability, it also has return fire and magic reflect abilities, making it suitable for use as a tank or in the 1st position among monsters. Below are the non-Gladius Edition cards with bloodlust.

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    To counter the bloodlust abilities, you need to use monsters with dispel to remove the additional stats gained from bloodlust.

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    The Battle condition is a 29 mana cap the elements you can use are fire, life, and dragon. The rule are Tis But Scraches, Aimless, and, Little League.


    I chose Tarsa to grant an additional +1 to life and melee attack to all unit. Also, because the available elements are life, fire, and dragon, and only 4-mana monsters can be used, it is possible that my opponent will attempt a backdoor attack. My strategy is to protect my backline using a monster with thorns ability.


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    1st Position

    ANTOID PLATOON - Melee attacker with shield ability. The shield of the Platoon helps provide extra defense in the 1st position.

    2nd Position

    GOBALANO SOLDIER - Melee attacker with sneak and ambush abilities. To attack the last position of the opponent.

    3rd Position

    NIMBLEDOOK SCOUT - No attack monster with backfire and inspire abilities. To grant additional +1 melee damage to all melee unit attackers.

    4th Position

    MOXIAN REBEL - Attacker on a magic level with weapons training ability. This allows Nimbledook Scout and Krash Wanderford to gain a magic attack due to the weapons training.

    5th Position

    KRASH WANDERFORD - No attack monster with swiftness, bloodlust and thorns abilities. To grant additional speed to all unit and to protect from sneak attack in the backline using the thorns.

    6th Position

    DOCTOR BLIGHT - Attacker on a magic level with affliction, camouflage, and poison abilities. Due to the rule being aimless, where all units grant a scattershot ability, Doctor Blight can scatter the poison to the opponent.




    We know that Krash Wanderford have no attack monster because of weapon training and bloodlust Wanderford got 5 damage and 11 speed in the stats in this battle.


    ROUND 2

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    • Krash Wanderford triggers the first bloodlust after killing Pyrewatch Devil.

    ROUND 3

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    • In this round, Krash Wanderford gained bloodlust twice after killing 2 monsters.
    • The first instance was killing Scavo Firebolt through a magic attack, and the other one was Dhampir Infiltrator dying to thorns after a direct hit on Krash Wanderford.

    ROUND 4

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    • Krash Wanderford already gained +3 magic attack and speed because of the bloodlust.
    • Krash Wanderford gained again additional +1 speed and magic attack for the last after killing opponent Krash Wanderford in magic attack.
    • The battle ended in round 6.




    CONCLUSIONS - Luckiest Guy Regular.png

    • Bloodlusts are very dangerous when the rules are born again because there is a possibility of triggering it twice on a single monster.
    • To counter the bloodlust abilities, you need to use monsters with dispel to remove the additional stats gained from bloodlust.
    • The addition of the weapons training ability makes the no-attack monster with bloodlust useful in battle.


    All the images in this article are credited to
    The divider frame for my rebellion and Philippines flag divider is credited to kyo-gaming.
    The Divider dec is credited to flauwy
    You can find more dividers from kyo LINK and flauwy LINK

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