Taunt Monsters Take Double Damage from units with Fury. "Battle Mage Secrets"

in splinterlands •  3 months ago

    It's time again for another "Battle Weekly Challenge" with the battle ruleset "Ferocity" - All Monsters have the Fury ability. Fury ability -This Monster does double damage to targets with the Taunt ability. Taunt ability - All enemy Monsters target this Monster (if they are able to). These are such a great ruleset and abilities that can balance the game because the current core set has taunt abilities which are present in specific monsters as well as the fury ability itself.

    Challenge Rules

    Rule Set: Ferocity


    All units have the Fury ability.
    Think carefully before including a unit with Taunt in your lineup as they will take double damage from units with Fury.

    In Battle Mage Secrets, fairness reigns. The Ferocity ruleset levels the playing field and tests every battler's strategic knowledge.

    Explanation of the Rule Set:

    This ruleset gives you a choice of whether you will use Taunt monsters or not. It will depend on your strategy, but most of all avoid using taunt monsters because there is no use for choosing them because they can be easily disrupted if they get hit. Nonetheless, it's up to you if you have a better strategy.

    All Units Start have the Fury ability:

    All monsters in your board will be acquiring the fury ability which makes taunt monsters useless to use. It's okay if there will only one monster will acquire this ability but if all units it would be a disaster for you if you decided to put a taunt monster in your board.

    In the Ferocity ruleset, every decision matters, and every action has consequences. Will you rise to the challenge and seize victory, or will you falter in the face of adversity? The choice is yours – but remember, in Battle Mage Secrets, the only thing that's guaranteed is an unforgettable experience.

    Battle Mage Secrets

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    Battle Overview

    Both players used the summoner "Akane" but with different monsters on the board. This is an interesting match lineup between the two players using the same summoner from the "Rebellion" core set that is equipped with the tactics ability.

    Summoner Comparison

    As we all know "Akane" is a Rebellion summoner and with the summoner tactics ability this can give two or 1 different buffs to two monsters of their choice.

    Monster Lineup Comparison

    With the different monster lineup, the player above uses the (2) two legendary airdrop cards which are "KEI" and "Venka the Vile" which are melee units. While the other one at the bottom uses the promo legendary card "Mantaroth". The rest are from the Chaos core set and soulbound reward cards and some are from the Rebellion core set.

    Strategy Tips
    Here are some invaluable tips to conquer the challenges that await:

    1. Crafting Effective Team Compositions:

    Focus on creating well-rounded team compositions that can adapt to a variety of situations. Include a mix of tanks, damage dealers, and support monsters to ensure versatility on the battlefield.

    Consider the synergy between your monsters and how their abilities complement each other. A cohesive team will have a greater chance of success in the face of adversity.

    2. Adapting Strategies to Opponent Compositions:

    Stay flexible and be prepared to adapt your strategy on the fly based on your opponent's composition. Analyze their strengths and weaknesses and adjust your approach accordingly.

    Keep an eye out for opportunities to exploit vulnerabilities in your opponent's lineup. Whether it's focusing on their squishy damage dealers or disrupting their support monsters, strategic targeting can turn the tide of battle in your favor.

    3. Prioritizing Buffs and Debuffs:

    Strategically utilize buffs and debuffs to gain an advantage on the battlefield. Prioritize abilities that can enhance your team's strengths or exploit your opponent's weaknesses.

    Be mindful of the timing and placement of buffs and debuffs. A well-timed buff can turn the tide of battle in your favor, while a poorly executed debuff can leave your team vulnerable to counterattacks.


    In conclusion, those two legendary airdrop cards from the "rebellion" conflict destroy "Mantaroth" easily which is supposed to be the main hard tank of the opponent but at the end of the first round it died already because of the contribution of the summoner "Akane" where the buffs it gives is the "Ambush" ability - Two specific monsters can attack at round 0 before the battle starts. When that card Mantaroth died that concluded the game winner which is the one on the top.

    Okay, that's it for this week's Battle Mage Secrets Challenge, I hope to see you in the Batlle arena. Thank you for the time reading and see you next week for another challenge. Hurrah!!!!

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