TIL - Enraged Gladiators are AMAZING.

in splinterlands •  4 days ago

    Crazy Tips on HIVE.png


    If you want to watch the fight it's here for your enjoyment. https://splinterlands.com/battle/sl_2a392f1f03df14329b9a2bc6a8c1fe5b?ref=artofkylin

    Gladitor cards are awesome. Bloodlust is an incredibly skill that allows them to become incredibly powerful and made even more so when combined with the enrage battle effect. Like this:


    Which to show you how much he improved here's what his starting stats are.


    Lets look at how this happened. First this load out takes a fair bit of mana. Between needing a 6 mana summoner, wanting the dry-bone Megaladone, and then decided to have the Night Reaper.


    By the end of the first round I was kinda worried cause the Megladone was looking worse for wear. And the demoralize had Gorth's attack down to 4.


    But then things get AWESOME. Gorth takes a little damage triggering ENRAGEEE and he finished off the shark so Gorth's damage goes from 4 to a massive 8.


    Then his attack finishes off the flying squid bringing his attack up to 9.

    Then the Disintegrator goes down, removing the -1, and giving Gorth another kill. His attack is now a ridculous 11, and his speed is an outstanding 8.


    The deeplurker was finished off and now Gorth is up to 12, and is pretty much the Flash with a speed of 9.

    And then the very last thing where the attack goes up to 14 with the supersonic speed of 11.

    Watching this fight was so fun.


    Untitled_Artwork 232.png

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