Social Media Challenge - Resurrecting Martyrs

in splinterlands •  4 months ago

    Hello dear Splinterlands community! Today is Social Media Challenge Day! In my last posts, I have been discussing Untamed reward cards and today, I would like to talk about one of my favourite battle strategies: resurrecting martyrs.

    With all the new cards and abilities coming lately, especially with the new Rebellion card edition, the battle meta has changed and evolved a lot. This meant that a load of new card combinations and battle tactics have become possible. Battling has changed so much, that choosing the right strategy for your team has become increasingly difficult. Anticipating what you opponent would do has also become less predictable. Simply maximizing attack capabilities no longer brings the best results.

    When I am not able to make up my mind, which strategy to use, I often fall back on Venary Marksrat for help. He will power up other monsters to make them stronger. It is not always possible to put him in the midfield to get attacked so sometimes he must go in first position to be wiped out. Better still, when it is possible to use Resurrect by a monster or summoner, Venary Marksrat will power up other monsters twice. In my feature battle this week, I am using this strategy and would like to show you how effective the Astral/Marksrat strategy can be, when you are not sure how else to confront your enemy in battle.


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    The battle stats are the following:
    RULESETS: Heavy Hitters, Super Sneak and Lost Legendaries
    MANA: 33
    SPLINTERS: red, blue and purple


    Here is the team I put together:

    Astral Entity is a great summoners. He not only resurrects the first friendly monster to die, which is the strategy in this battle, but he also takes 2 shield from the enemy and give the entire team Dodge. It may seem insignificant, that dodge gives no more than a 15% chance to be missed, but dodges actually happen quite a lot.


    Cursed Windeku is one of the best medium mana tanks in the game. With Thorns and Heal, this little darling holds the front solid for a long time before he is taken down.


    The Riftwing is a fantastic card. He acts well as a buffer in second position to protect the midfield. As the dominoes fall, he accumulates Scavenge health, has Flying, which will increase miss chances even further with Dodge and has Headwinds and Return Fire. He has great defenses and will increase the chances of the team to survive to the end.


    Silent Shavi is probably the best Sneak monster in the game. He is fast and is a hard hitter. The additional ability, Cripple, also takes another health from the enemy monster that is hit. It is an ability that I don't care for much but it is probably underrated.


    Next comes another great Sneak monster, Uraeus. He is probably my most favourite neutral card and two Sneak monsters together can cause a lot of havoc.


    And here comes our boy Venari Marksrat. His job is to die quickly and hopefully die twice to give his buddies left and right a double boost, or at least that's the plan.


    Last but not least comes Magi Necrosi. It is he who the double boost from Venari Marksrat is intended for. He should then have 5 Snipe magic damage with 6 speed. That should decide the battle!


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    So now let's take a closer look at the battle. My opponent brought a level 4 Lux Vega with a maxed out team. This will be hairy!

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    The battle began with my opponent getting 3 buffs to our none. This wasn't looking good at first sight. Venari Marksrat was toasted by Sneak attack immediately and was then resurrected . Both our Sneak monsters got their hit but were retaliated against both times. The next assault against Venary Marksrat missed thanks to Dodge. Cursed Windeku took some hits and didn't look too healthy.

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    Round 2 began again with an attack on Venary Marksrat and he took his leave a second time, leaving Uraeus and Magi Necrosi looking very powerful to battle on. Magi Necrosi now had plenty of power to take out opponents with single hits, which he did to wipe out Gargoya Devil. In the meantime, the Riftwing was gaining in health. Cursed Windeku did well to survive the second round with 2 health.

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    Round 3 was costly for our team with Cursed Windeku going down but the Riftwing was now steadily holding the fort with 11 health and Magi Necrosi got another kill.

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    Round 4 saw the beginning of the end for my opponent. Magi Necrosi wiped out another enemy monster and Silent Shavi took out the supply runner. The Riftwing now had 15 health. Game over.



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    The Hero Of The Day Award goes to Magi Necrosi. With a double Martyr boost from Venary Marksrat, he was able to wipe out 3 enemy monsters, which shows how useful and effective the Astral/Marksrat strategy can be. Without this help, my team would have struggled against a maxed team led by the infamous Lux Vega.

    I hope you enjoyed this post and I will see you on the battlefield!


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    Splinterlands is an autobattle digital card game on the Hive blockchain. The playing cards are NFTs, therefore they belong to you and you can trade, transfer or delegate them as you please. All you need to move cards and other ingame assets around is a Hive Keychain login. There are three types of battles you can play: ranked battles, brawls and tournaments. Every battle you win brings rewards, including SPS and/or loot chests containing cards, potions, packs and merits. The ingame currency is DEC and the governance token is SPS. For gladiator packs you need to earn merits through brawls and loot chests. Tournaments can bring you stacks of SPS if you play well. There are several third party card markets, including and the best places to learn to play are PeakD and YouTube.


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