BAttlemage secrets feat. FAB FOUR

in splinterlands •  3 months ago

    So hello again It Is I Butops once more with a new battlemage secret for you all featuring the new ruleset FAB FOUR
    What is this ruleset exactly well it just makes you use four cards it is either both an advantage or disadvantage to anyone encountering this rule well there is also RNG because this thing is hard to manifest in every match making it annoying especially when you are doing one of these...........hehe

    Well enough about me lets start this match and as always I always do this thing live at my twitch channel

    where i do this raw and free from plagiarism so like i said lets go

    And to watch my match in realtime here is the match link

    as for what am In using in a nutshell

    Tarsa level 5


    Forgotten one level 3


    2nd position
    Gobanana....GOBALAno Soldier level 2


    3rd position
    radiated scorcher level 4 gold


    4th position
    scorch fiend level 1


    so with that said hope I dont take much of your time reading please enjoy

    round 0


    gobanano goes for the ambush but misses

    ok round 1 for real this time


    tide biter attacks my forgotten one, pelacor bandit kills my scorch fiend


    tandem attack by the muse and sethropod destroys 2 of my forgotten one's armor and 1 hp


    my forgotten one counters dealing 5 armor damage and crippling 1 hp
    gobanano attacks the bandit but misses


    my forgotten one finally attacks and deals 5 hp damage killing the cruel seth

    round 2

    the tide biter attacks my forgotten 1 destroying the armor it retaliates destroying back the armor of the enemy and crippling 1 hp


    the bandit attacks the radiated scorcher leaving it with 1 hp left at deaths door


    musa attacks the forgotten 1 for 1 hp
    the gobalano attacks and finally manages to land a hit on the bandit's armor


    the forgotten one then finishes off the tide biter with its 5 hp damage strike

    round 3


    the bandit manages to kill my scorcher while the enemy musa scavenges the bodies increasing her HP to 7


    musa attacks and deals 1 magic damage
    gobalano strikes the bandit for 2 damage


    the forgotten one attacks but only mananged to graze the armor off

    round 4


    the pelacor bandit attacks the gobalano for 2 damage
    the gobalano attacks but misses entirely


    the forgotten one attacks leaving musa with 1 hp left gobalano attacks but misses yet again

    round 5


    the bandit attacks at the start of the bell killing go banana muse picks up the corpse for 1 hp recovery


    musa attacks and damages for 1 hp

    the forgotten one destroys musa for 5 damage as a payment for musa hitting it

    round 6


    the round begins with the bandit dealing 3hp


    the forgotten one counters but it misses but the normal attack did connect on the hit
    killing the bandit and ending the match with my win.........

    so this ends another splinterlands battlemage post I hope it gets counted by the curators since it took like 5 whole days for me to fine this ruleset so it really took longer because of me looking for it

    and if you are interested in the content that i am making in SPL please do not forget to click my link here

    yeaaah so this ends my post for this week i may be back in 2 days after making this post so dont worry there will more in the future

    so this has been butops

    have a nice day

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