Splinterlands Art Contest Week 289 - Flame Mephit

in splinterlands •  3 months ago

    For this week's Splinterlands Art Contest, I challenged myself to do something that is difficult for me.

    I really struggle with drawing water, wind, and fire. I don't know how to depict them in drawings, so I really avoid characters with those elements. I guess I'm not alone, most beginners in drawing probably find it hard to draw these elements too.

    For this week, I chose to draw Flame Mephit. Even though I struggled with drawing it, I still finished it.

    I started by drawing its half-body pose and then added a flame-like tail. Next, I outlined its hair. I had to redo the hair several times because I'm not used to drawing flames.



    After finishing the outline, I started coloring. I tried to change my approach to coloring, although I still applied a base color. I decided to layer the colors and finally blur them to see what would happen.


    I used several colors on Flame Mephit's hair and tail because I couldn't achieve the desired appearance I wanted. At first, I liked it, but then I decided to change it again.



    After many revisions on the hair, this is my final artwork, and I hope you like it.



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