Another Remarkbale Splinterlands Season - Epic Cards, Nidhoggr and The Night Reaper

in splinterlands •  2 months ago

    Splinterlands stands out as a pioneering title in the blockchain gaming landscape, blending fun, strategy, and the benefits of decentralization. It is remarkable because of the blockchain integration, accessibility and unique gameplay.

    We are playing state of the art play2earn, as Splinterlands allows players to truly own their in-game assets, trading them securely and transparently. The game combines strategy card mechanics with a dynamic battle system!

    In the last six years, Splinterlands has fostered a vibrant community where players can interact, compete, and collaborate, enhancing the overall gaming experience. The developers continually introduce new cards, features, and events, keeping the gameplay fresh and exciting.


    October is gone and November will go as fast as the cold autumn wind.... then we will dive into the full festive season! I will celebrate 4 years of Splinterlands soon, as I went down the rabbit hole on the 25th of December 2020! I seen the game evolving a lot, and keeping it interesting with new sets, and a focus on innovation. Five new rule sets were added recently and I like them a lot!

    • Heavy Metal: You can only summon armored units
    • Might Makes Right: You can only summon units with 3+ power
    • Need for Speed: You can only summon units with 3+ speed
    • Deflection Field: All units have the Reflection Shield ability.
    • Beefcakes: You can only summon units with 5+ health

    I had a remarkable season and the rewards reached a new all-time high, with 19,465 Glint claimed at the end of the season. Spent it wisely on three epic draws and nine rare cards.

    I got the Night Reaper, the Halfling Refugee and the Thanalorian Blade as epics, all boosting my current deck. Lots of familiar faces in the rare cards, which means will be able to upgrade some units!


    October was an amazing month, as I got my first legendary gold foil summoner! I embraced the concept of the Conflicts as a casual player, but slowly started to hate it as I had few wagons, bad cards, and low chances for rewards!

    Had low expectations for the last one as the chances where lower than usual. Was expecting the usual "no rewards" message when I got stunned by this view! I rubbed my eyes to make sure I was reading "You will receive 1 card!"

    Crazy! My heart was filled with joy and excitements! Somehow I've got one of the new legendary summoner with my 55 chances, approximately 12% of the full chance requirement! Could this be more remarkable? Yes sir!

    I played against the odds one more time, and used 20 vouchers to increase the Gold Foil chance from 2% to 4%! With low expectations I pressed the "continue" button! The odds were again in my favor! GOLD FOIL NIDHOGGR! I was thrilling! All the frustration that I accumulated turned into pure joy!

    A winner never stops! I am now facing a big dilemma while reading the insane value of the gold foil card: should I sell and buy a normal card with the money? I could use the difference to improve my deck with Rebellion cards!

    According to the lore, Nidhoggr is a guardian dragon and custodian of these ley lines. He rose from the chasm in which he'd buried himself, and shook off a mountain of rock and debris!

    He learned of the Chaos Empire's trespass and of the Splinterlanders failure to stop them... and he found them both guilty. Praetoria trembled as Nidhoggr stretched his wings!


    Before Nidhoggr will burn the world... the Night Reapers will ensure that terror will reign across the lands! This monstrosities are born of a now gone realm of demons and dragons.

    When their world was subsumed by the dark god Uul, they joined the legions of Chaos, and answer to Silus of the Rift alone and unleash their wrath according to his will.

    An expensive cookie, as the Night Reaper costs 11 mana! However, it brings nine health, three spell power and the new Wingbreaker ability! The Reaper will always target the first flying unit and deal two extra damage!


    This battle had all the attributes to be remarkable... 59 mana cap and three rules that made it shine bright like a diamond! Wand outs for a casters only duel, with Rebirth and equal health for all due to Equalizer!

    Had to go above and beyond to win this one, and the Night Reaper would pair with Quora and her gang of casters. The Helios Matriarch will boost their speed and watch the army divide and conquer!

    Helios Matriarch: +1 Speed & +1 Gladiator

    Quora: Caster/Melee with Heal and Bloodlust

    Suidae Shaman: Caster with Recharge

    Night Reaper: Caster with Wingbreaker and Flying

    Scavo Technomancer: Caster with Blast

    Goblin Psychic: Caster with Heal

    Mycelic Slipspawn: Caster with Taunt


    My tactic was simple... deal more damage than my opponent! Quora will lead the charge and her healing powers will be doubled by the Goblin Psychic. The Mycelic Slipspawn will hold the line, attracting damage from the other units with the Taunt ability!

    Here comes the first issue, as the enemy choose the Night Reaper as well and it's attack ignored the taunt! Everyone else didn't and the Slipspawn was the first to fall!

    More drama at the start of the second round as the Night Reapers targeted each other and both were left with one health! However, Quora doesn't care about drama and she took out the Chaos Adjutant... twice! Two stats boosts through Bloodlust and she got pumped up!


    The Ujurak Elder was Quora's next target! She delivered a deadly blow, tasted the sweet perfume of bloodlust then missed her next attack! Spells filled the battlefield and the cross-fire made more casualties!

    Quora and Larissa were now facing each other, and two of the greatest fighters in the realm will duel until death will do them part! Quora barely survived, and was lucky the shaman recharged in time to save her! They missed their chance and soon Quora recovered! She's a hard nut to crack, and the bloodlust made her unstoppable! See the full battle here!


    Residual Income:

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    Content: Publish0x/ Hive / GrillApp

    Play2Earn: Upland / Splinterlands / ++Doctor Who++

    Cashback Cards: Plutus Card /

    $ZEC: PipeFlare / GlobalHive

    PVM The Author - My Amazon Books


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