Lore & Gameplay #44

in splinterlands •  4 months ago


    🌌 The Gem Meteor's Wrath: A Night of Celestial Chaos 🌠

    In the ancient dance of stars, where each celestial body once held its place, the heavens bestowed upon mortals a celestial gift—crystalline meteors. However, chaos disrupted this cosmic harmony. Uul, the architect of disorder, breathed life into fallen stars, birthing the Gem Meteor—a vengeful creature that soared through the night, showering crystal shards upon the unsuspecting.

    💫 Celestial Elegance Shattered 💔

    Once, meteors traced arcs of light, their crystal dust offering celestial elegance. Astronomers marveled at these cosmic phenomena, linking crystal values to the meteor's fall. But chaos intervened. Uul transformed these stars into malevolent entities that rained down crystalline missiles, shattering the beauty they once brought to the night sky.

    🌌 A Trader's Nightmarish Encounter 🐫

    Lorcan, a trader navigating the vast dunes, witnessed the stars' unusual brilliance. Little did he know that the cosmos harbored a malevolent force. As the Gem Meteor descended, cries erupted, warning of impending doom. Lorcan, among the panicked traders, gazed helplessly as the shooting star turned malevolent, hurtling toward them.


    💥 Chaos Descends with Crystal Fury 🔮

    Explosions shattered the serene night, chaos unfurling in the form of crystal missiles. The Gem Meteor, with burning white eyes and menacing fangs, wreaked havoc. The once orderly caravan became a scene of devastation. Animals, once harnessed, now panicked, and Lorcan glimpsed the creature's eyes before it vanished into the night—a fleeting, destructive force.

    🌠 Aftermath: Sands Stained with Sorrow 😢

    As the shimmering line across the night faded, Lorcan surveyed the aftermath. His people lay scattered, wounded, and lifeless on the cold sands. The Gem Meteor, an agent of celestial chaos, had vanished, leaving behind a caravan in disarray and a once-tranquil night forever stained with the sorrow of an unexpected celestial assault. 🌌🚛

    🛡️⚔️ Let's check on the game ⚔️🛡️


    💎 This game is in Novice League and Modern. 💎

    The Ruleset (The game)

    Explosive weaponry
    Keep your distance
    37 Mana


    ⚔️🛡Let the Battle Commence⚔️🛡

    I chose to play with Light.
    I had a really good line to work with so I chose to hit great range power.


    Round 1

    My enemy had a good line. Very nice thought of stalling me putting a fast flier in the first position.


    Round 2

    Putting the pegasus in the first position was a good thought if i was using only monsters that hit in the front but i m using 2 scattershot monsters and that cleaned the opponent's line.


    Round 3

    My tank is still there and i believe that the game is mine anymore. (Game set after this round)


    🤔Why the Gem Meteor??🤔

    A fast monster that can fit well in the "only range" games. Its scattershot makes it a beast when the rules have the Explosive Weaponry ruleset.

    🤑Tips to lower the rental cost for battling🤑

    We don't need to rent all cards for the brawl, Some tips which will be explained are given below :

    • Rent only 2 or 3 types of splinter that suit your gameplay
    • Rent gold commons if you want a maximum earning, however, don't overpush it if the gold cards are too expensive.
    • Think simply, legendary cards are awesome but as the mana of some monsters increases, there is a smaller chance to be picked for the game. For example, I have stopped renting Raa or Chthulhu due to that fact.
    • Rent only what you like to play. If you don't "feel" it with a card then chances are that you are not going to use it too much.

    Stay tuned as we continue our exploration of the most fantastic creatures that grace the realms of Splinterlands! 🗺️🔍 And remember, the power of strategy and tactics can turn any legend into an unbeatable champion! 🏆🌟

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