Splinterlands battle challenge feat. magic reflect

in splinterlands •  5 months ago

    Hello everyone it is I butops once again with another battle challenge post.

    This week we are doing the reflect ruleset in which everybody gets granted reflect not really a problem if you are doing physical or ranged attacks but you get the picture so with that said im doing this live on my channel at butopstv at twitch so you guys know that i do not plagiarize anybody

    if you want to watch the match in realtime here is the link to the match

    so with that said and done please enjoy how i described this match word per word

    for the monsters I used here is the lineup



    thaddius brood level 4 regular



    cursed windeku level 2 regular

    2nd position


    silent shavi level 3 gold

    3rd position


    fenmoor haunt level 3 gold



    corpse fiend level 1 regular

    well lets start the match shall we

    round 1


    my shavi makes short work of the chaos agent


    enemy pelacor deceiver attacks the windeku for 2 damage but gets thorns back for 2 damage

    the enemy shavi kills my corpse fiend with 3 damage


    windeku attacks the deceiver for 2 damage my shavi attacks and breaks the enemy euraus shield


    round ends with the euraus damaging the fenmoor haunt for 2 damage

    round 2


    the enemy deceiver attacks the windeku again for 2 damage gets damaged again with thorns for 2 damage
    the enemy shavi attacks my fenmoor for 2 damage killing it easily


    my shavi attacks for 3 damage killing the enemy euraus with ease
    my windeku attacks and deals 3 damage again killing the deceiver

    round 3


    the enemy shavi attacks the windeku for 3 damage thorns kicks back at enemy for 2 damage


    my shavi then deals the finishing blow to the enemy shavi ending the match and landing me the win

    SO what have i learned
    Frankly this isnt much of a strategy since we all know that to counter magic you just need either to force it or reduce the enemy strength
    Also void and void shield helps too if you are using magic to counter this rule since it weakens residual magic reflect damage

    all in all this has been a short match but as you all know I hope you learned something from this

    so once again if you are interested in playing the game please dont forget to click my link right here


    so once again this has been butops with another post this week
    and I hope you enjoyed reading it

    have a nice day

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