A Call to Arms: Uprising in Solace

in splinterlands •  5 months ago

    A Call to Arms: Uprising in Solace


    The interdiction of the Chaos Empire’s supply lines around Icewall Bay has weakened the empire's grip on the Northern Highlands. Now, the citizens of Solace rise against their oppressors. Governess Akane has rallied her people, yet the Gloridax are outmatched. Matsuuri Kei, ranking knight of Solace’s Dragonsguard, needs your help.


    Strap in and get ready for Rebellion's second Conflict, A Call to Arms: Uprising in Solace, as the resistance against the Chaos Empire continues to spread across Praetoria. This time, your ol' pal Dolfar Darflak comes to you on behalf of the Gloridax Empire...

    The Story

    Another town, another tavern. He shows up again. This time, it’s more than supply line raids. The rebels’ meddling around Icewall Bay emboldened the locals. There’s trouble brewing in Solace. Governess Akane has rallied her people. But her Ashinach soldiers are outmatched. Matsuuri Kei, ranking knight of Solace's Dragonsguard, needs help. That’s where you come in. Your cards, your battle wagons to help the Gloridax take back their city. If the Chaos Empire finds out, heads will roll. Namely, yours. But fortunes aren't won by playing it safe.

    Governess Akane. Ashinach soldiers. Matsuuri Kei. Who are these people!? I'm glad you asked. They are drakoshans--humanoids with draconic blood in their veins--of the Gloridax Empire, and they're going to free Solace from the shackles of tyranny. Or die trying.



    The shiminach are the Gloridax Empire’s land-owning elite, and Ishii Akane was one of the caste’s most powerful and influential drakoshans. Her holdings comprised nearly fifty-thousand hectares of land south of Icewall Bay, including Solace. But when the port city fell to the Chaos Empire, Akane was given a choice: abdicate her position and swear fealty to Silus of the Rift or face execution.

    The once distinguished shiminach became just another conscript in the legions of the Tovingor Kalamenty. She stood sentry upon the walls of Solace, patrolled the streets, and enforced the edicts of the empire.

    Their leadership thought they'd broken her. That she served as a reminder that not even the mightiest dare defy them. But all the while, Akane reinforced in her citizens their heritage, their purpose, and that the Gloridax Empire would one day rise from the ashes and be restored to its former glory.

    Solace Ashinach


    Ashinach are the foot soldiers that form the bulk of the Dragonsguard. But after the Gloridax Empire fell, the ashinach of Solace served as conscripts in the legions of Chaos.

    But dissent grew. Acts of insubordination became more frequent, no matter how many lashings were doled out. The kalament of Tovingor knew that something had to be done before it boiled over into a full-blown revolt. But it seemed like there was trouble brewing everywhere, and trying to squash it all was like playing subjugation whack-a-mole.

    And now... now it's too late.


    Matsuuri Kei is a dragutsu, a knight of the Gloridax Empire’s Dragonsguard. She fought hard and well to defend Solace against the legions of Chaos. But the attackers were… well, they were legion, and Kei and her Ashinach could not stand against their sheer numbers.

    Like her former governess, Kei was conscripted into the Chaos Empire’s military after the port city fell. She waited patiently for the day when she could collect the heads of Solace’s Chaos commander and his captains and present them to Shiminach Akane in a grand Kubi Jikken, the Gloridax’s traditional head-viewing ceremony.

    Now the rebellion has begun, and that day is fast approaching.

    So is Kei, the airdrop card for the next conflict. Drumroll, please!


    Wait a minute. What's that icon on the left? Is that a new ability? Why, yes. Yes it is.


    Hamstring: Each successful attack reduces the defender's melee attack by 1.

    In addition to Hamstring, Kei brings a synergistic smorgasbord of abilities to the table: Reach, Ambush, True Strike, and Shatter. Combined with her high speed, she's perfect for your second position, neutralizing your opponent's attack, obliterating their armor, and tearing into their health so the rest of your team can finish them off.

    By the Numbers

    Like the previous Conflict, 4,000 copies of Kei will be airdropped to participating players based on their total Reward Chances when the Conflict ends. But this go-round, it will take 250 Reward Chances to guarantee a copy of the card.

    For a refresher on how Conflicts work and the math behind Contribution and Reward Chances, be sure to review our previous posts:

    More Information

    For even more information about Conflicts, check out the Rebellion & Conflicts support articles on the official Splinterlands website.

    Conflicts: FAQ

    Mage Wagons: FAQ

    How to Enter Conflicts

    How to Calculate Conflicts Contribution

    How to Purchase Vouchers on Hive Engine

    How to Purchase Vouchers on Tribal Dex

    Good luck, battle mages. Vonak!

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