Splinterlands - Battle Mage Secrets: Earthquake

in splinterlands •  5 months ago


    Hello everyone, I hope you have a wonderful day! I am, I like Thursdays since I don't have to work on it 😁, I just made my Social Media Challenge post for this week, so next is this weeks Battle Mage Secrets Challenge, and this week is about the Earthquake ruleset, in which all non-flying monsters receive two damage at the end of every turn, of course you can make smart use of this by putting martyr cards in your line-up in key positions!

    All non-flying units take 2 physical damage at the end of every turn.
    snared units are considered non-flying. Since the damage given is physical, it can be reduced to 1 if the unit has the shield ability.
    See flying ability.

    So, some splinters have more flying monsters than others, I like to use the Life, Dragon or Death splinter for this ruleset, depending what is available for the battle and what mana cap it has...

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    The battle I want to share for this post is a 41 mana Wild League Stampede / Earthquake battle with only three splinters available to choose from: Water, Life and Death.... All teams have a fair amount of flyers in it, but water has the least, of course there are other ways to win, for example putting good armored units in your team to shield against the earthquake damage, but in general, I like to include flyers in half of my team. I didn't know what to expect from my opponent, and in Wild it could also be a bot, so I just decided to play the best team I had and not to think about what my opponent is going to play, anticipation can win battles for you but WRONG anticipations can certainly make you lose them as well

    First look at the battlefield:


    O this is a bot, not doubt about that, looking at the name and the team, only one flyer, and no magic monsters, a Astral Entity team weak spot is magic for sure, since it can't miss.
    This will be easy 😆

    My Line-Up:

    • Summoner: Astral Entity - reason: -2 armor, dodge and resurrect are all nice, be sure to include a martyr in a Astral Entity team!
    • First position: Gargoya Lion - reason: Void, Flying.
    • Second position: Pelacor Deceiver - reason: Backup tank, fast and flying so very evasive.
    • Third position: Usut - reason: Another flyer, good HP and Bloodlust.
    • Fourth position: Venari Marksrat - reason: This is supposed to die first to get resurrected.
    • Fifth position: Gargoya Devil - reason: Flying.
    • Sixth position: Riftwing - reason: Flying, and fast so very evasive, when it dodge it's gonna backfire, very nice synergy with my summoner.

    The Battle:


    Round 1: Good start, Riftwing dodges both attacks and backfired, already killing Uraeus.


    Round 2: Three dodges in a row for Riftwing, also killing Silent Sha-Vi with it's backfire, cool! My martyr died, as planned, boosting Usut and Gargoya Devil, this will happen again next round, gearing up Usut's bloodlust.


    Round 3: The battle is already over since the last unit remaining is a unit without attack, and it's too low level for the backfire ability, 10 HP left, when all my attacks hit, I can exactly kill Riftwing this round.


    Round 4: Oh! LOL! I forgot about Gargoya Devils Deathblow ability, doing double damage, one shot killing the Riftwing!


    0.33 SPS for a win in Wild isn't bad at all, on to the next one!

    You can watch the battle unfold for yourself here.

    Well, this certainly isn't my longest post I made, but it's the entire battle, I don't know what else to include 😁

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    O, something a bit off topic maybe but when you do something for a while, you get better at it, it's the same for blogging and making the thumbnails for it, we have had a previous Battle Mage Secrets Challenge before, 10 months ago, back then I was still searching for a set-up to make my thumbnails and post, back then I made this thumbnail:


    I'm still using the same font! which do you like more?

    This is it for this week, I'm behind the computer for several hours already now, grinding my Brawls and Ranked play, and making two posts to earn rewards so I can buy more cards, it's time to head out now, and do a little run, I hope to see you next week!

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    Thank you for reading!!!

    If you haven't made an account already, please consider using my referral link to sign up, I'll happily send the amount I get for your signup back to you in DEC or SPS to help you start.

    Have a great day!

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    Sources: For my thumbnail I used a background from @golemoverlord, when you're not playing this game as a splinterlands player, you're missing out!
    I made a post with more info about Golem Overlord here.

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