Briar Patch: Weekly Battle Broken Arrows

in splinterlands •  6 months ago

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    spl moving red divider.gif

    Hello Splinters Family

    For this week the rule is broken arrows. The rule of broken arrows is that you can not use ranged attackers in the battle. If in case 2 types of attack include ranged you can not also use these monsters in the battle.

    In this ruleset, there are summoners in the Modern League that become useless because you cannot use the abilities they provide, such as General Sloan's additional ranged damage. Some summoners only allow you to use their 2nd ability, like Fernheart, because there are no ranged units, and you cannot utilize the close-ranged ability. You can only benefit from +1 life for Fernheart. For Prophet Rosa, you can only make use of her ability to give a shield to one unit. Ilthain and Quix The Devious, on the other hand, only allow you to use their increased and decreased abilities.


    When I encounter this ruleset, I often face magic attackers, so I frequently include defense against magic. Sometimes, I use Thaddius Brood as a summoner here because he reduces magic damage and life to -1. If the death element is not available, I use water. In water, Kelya has +1 to speed and armor, or if the mana to large, I use Possibilus The Wise because of the reach and trample abilities, which are excellent for offensive plays. Besides offense, Possibilus The Wise also provides an additional +2 to life.



    battle ruleset.png

    The Battle condition is 49 mana caps The available elements you can use are fire, life, death and dragon. The rule are broken arrows and back to basics.


    I chose Thaddius Brood to provide an additional +1 life to all units. My strategy for this battle is to reduce the damage of magic and use a magic attacker with large damage and large life in the 1st position.


    battle line up.png

    1st Position

    CURSED WINDEKU - Attacker on melee with 3 melee damage and 11 life.

    2nd Position

    PELACOR DECEIVER - Attacker on melee with 3 melee damage and 10 life.

    3rd Position

    MAGI OF CHAOS - Attacker on magic with 2 magic damage and 6 life.

    4th Position

    MAGI NECROSI - Attacker on magic with 2 magic damage and 5 life.

    5th Position

    KAIN HACE - Attacker on magic with 3 magic damage and 2 life.

    6th Position

    BARASHKUKOR - Attacker on magic with 5 magic damage, 2 armor, and 6 life.

    ** Because of the rule back to basic all unit can not use the ability in the battle.



    ROUND 1

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    • In this round, because of large magic damage from Barashkukor, he eliminated Xenith Monk.

    ROUND 2

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    • In round 2, only 2 monsters died on my side, while on the opponent's side, only 3 monsters are left.
    • In consecutive attacks, Magi of Chaos and Kain Hade killed opponent Magi of Chaos.

    ROUND 3

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    • Barashkukor eliminated Barashkukor of the opponent.
    • While Kain Hade eliminated Kain Hade of the opponent.
    • The battle ended in round 3




    CONCLUSIONS - Luckiest Guy Regular.png

    • My strategy became successful using a high life and large damage magic attack in the battle.

    • Thaddius Brood was a big help in the battle, reducing the damage of magic and decreasing the opponent's life by -1.

    • Our lineups were almost the same, the only difference being that he used Quix The Devious as a summoner, where he only reduced the speed of my unit, but the damage of my magic attack remained unchanged, one of the keys to the success of my strategy.

    • It also helped in the battle that I positioned Cursed Windeku and Pelacor Deceiver with large health in the front.


    All the images in this article are credited to
    The divider frame for my rebellion and Philippines flag divider is credited to kyo-gaming.
    The Divider dec is credited to flauwy
    You can find more dividers from kyo LINK and flauwy LINK

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