Free Speech and Social Boundaries

in speech •  5 months ago

    I feel like you have to be careful what you type or write on the internet, doesn't matter where, including the blockchain where once its posted it's permanent. if someone else doesn't like the words they will find a way to use it against you or make you look bad.
    In a sense, it's like society limiting free speech. there are exceptions of course, people who talk about illegal or completely socially unacceptable things.
    But what is socially acceptable is a matter of perspective, i also believe it's age based. teens would have a broader spectrum of what is socially acceptable. Kids in elementary school would crack jokes while someone in their 20's in law school may see that as inappropriate
    It's impossible to have only lovers or haters.
    That is to be realized whenever we do things.
    Every action has consequences, but we can preconstruct the consequences. If it has more good than bad, or more bad than good, we can determine it. But life doesn't follow a certain set of rules. The universe is both definite and indefinite at the same time. Such is how we perceive things as it should be as expected, but can turn out to be against our expectations, even though it was predicted to be happening the way it is perceived.
    To act is to carefully determine all factors that may manipulate the results of the actions, and not to follow what used to happen in a certain circumstance. Such is how water boils at 100 degrees Celsius at sea level, but more than 100 degrees Celsius at mountainous altitude.

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