Sol vs Eth

in sol •  3 months ago


    If the trend is any indicator, SOL will outperform ETH in percentage gains this bull market. Both in usd and BTC. And PYTH if you have watched the video from coin bureau club from Guy, which I highly recommend to watch, has far greater chances of gaining 10x, being the oracle of SOL.

    The risk I expect is regulatory and technical. Both are real huge risks for the potential profit opportunities present in SOL ecosystem. Technically it is far centralised than anything, and regulatory can harm centralised systems much easier than decentralised ones.
    But if this risky holding goes as up as previous times, the chances of making profits with small amounts of holdings weighs far more than the risks being taken here.
    I also asses the other choices of putting huge pile into SEI, the SOL competition, and RNDR, the AI hype narrative. But if considering an already established and still high price potential gains, the risk in SOL is less than new competitors rising in its category and new categories.
    In the end it all comes down to how much one wants to take risk. I want to take manageable risk in the potential of taking some gains.
    The allocation to my favorite small caps remains as is. They haven’t seen that big gains yet to touch them yet.Not adding anything to it not removing anything from it. I do hope these small caps gains the adoption they deserve.

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