Smiling in the rain...

in smile •  5 months ago

    I was just out walking as I had to go to the store to buy some groceries needed for supper tonight. As I walked home, it started to rain. What do you do? You can start to curse heaven, God, and whatever comes to your mind, but what does it help?

    smile in the rain.jpeg

    Sometimes, it is easier to see the negative and complain... but it doesn't really make you feel much better. Of course, sometimes it might feel refreshing to complain and just to release the steam, but in general, you are better of keeping your attitude right and being grateful for whatever comes your way, even though it is rain that doesn't really feel like a blessing.

    "Smile in the rain, for within each droplet lies the promise of renewal, washing away the sorrows of yesterday and nourishing the seeds of hope for tomorrow."

    What do you think? Are you good at smiling whenever you meet hardships that are not really hardships, just things that makes your day a bit more complicated?

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