Modern Flip Phones

in smartphone •  2 months ago


    I never used any modern flip phones. the last flip phone i had was probably my motorola v50 back in the early 2000s 😄 It was a nice phone. I think after that I went to a Nokia 6310i which I used for a few years along with a Palm PDA. Then a couple of Sony early smartphones running Symbian before I switched to the iPhone 3G. I was with iPhones for a few years then switched to Android until 2018 when I went back to iPhone after 6 months of hell with the Pixel 2XL I couldn't wait to escape lol
    now I just dont care, its a phone, they all the the same stuff and its all the stuff I need so I can use whatever, I picked an iPhone again when I upgraded last year as my last iphone lasted 5+ years and I only upgraded as my son was at the age we wanted him to have a phone so we could contact him so I used it as an excuse to get a new phone and gave him my old Xs Max lol
    I did have apple install a new battery, runs great still so its at like terracore 6 years old almost and still an amazing phone, had I not handed it down to him I would still be using it to be honest.

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