No one seems to be impressed with my Blogs...

in silvergoldstackers •  4 months ago

    I have a hard time understanding why I get so few questions concerning what I've been posting...

    Perhaps, it "Old News' to everyone in the Silver Gold Stackers Community...

    No questions tell me they fully understand what i write, forwards and

    Actually, I don't think many people actually read what I write...

    They may skim through my post, looking at the Pictures, but I think mores people are in this for the an Up-Vote and not much more...

    Little do they know, that reading my Blogs could make them Rich beyond their Wildest Dreams...

    Oh well...

    There's really not that much to know, other than "We the people' will be returning to Circulating Silver and Gold Coins, and our Common U.S. Coinage along with our Paper and Electronic Coinage will be used to "make change"...

    Making Change for our New Product Line of "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins will be a Game Changer for our Common U.S. Coinage...

    Once the Reset is Announced to the World, I probably won't be taking any more questions, so i you do have any, you better ask now,before it's too late...

    Look what you can order from the U.S. Mint on April 2, 2024...


    They are 5, 1/5 ounce Silver Coins in the Set, a total Weight of about 1 Troy Ounce for "only" 80 Fiat USD's...

    I believe this will be the Size of our 1/5 ounce, $2 "Circulating" Silver Coins on the other side of the Reset...

    I take these Silver Coins as a Clue as to what's heading our way in the Very Near Future...

    You can find these Coins and many others at the U.S. Mints "Product Schedule" for 2024...

    2011 Buffalo Tails....jpg

    How else did you think we were going to "Make American Great Again"...???

    Let me know if you have any questions or concerns...

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