Easter Sunday...

in silvergoldstackers •  3 months ago

    After the Reset, I may return to the County Recorders Office and File New Load Mining Claim or Claims where this Ore is located...

    I already have my old Maps and the Exact Location...

    Back to Easter Sunday...

    I'll probably be posting this a few hours later than normal, since I'll be at a Family get together for Easter Dinner...

    Monday falls on April Fools Day, so expect the unexpected...

    I'm going to try to be ready for almost anything...

    I did hear a rumor about Going Dark for 10 Days, starting on Monday April 1...

    I have my Survival Food and Water, plus a means to cook it outdoors, if need be...

    It will be like Camping Out, heating my coffee on an open fire...

    I have a Fireplace indoors, if it's raining outside...

    My Wood Burning Fireplace has been "Grandfathered in"...

    These Days, most people have Gas Burning Fireplaces...

    It may be hard to buy and sell, if the Poser goes out, so your local Food Stores may not even be open for business...

    There may be places that take Cash...

    For the most part, "We the People" won't know exactly what's going on...

    We might still be able to get Emergency Broadcasts or Dial 911...

    I do have a means of charging my phone, using the Sun...

    I may even be able to communicate on Steem or Hive...

    Wouldn't that be something...lol...???

    I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow...

    These Five 1/5 ounce Silver Coins will be sent to me this coming Tuesday, the 2nd of April...






    Notice that they say 25 Cents instead of the "usual" Quarter Dollar...

    On the other side of the U.S. Monetary Correcition, I have good reason to believe, these 1/5 ounce Silver Coins will end up becoming our New $2 "Circulating" Silver Coins...

    Five of the 1/5 ounce $2 Silver Coins can get me Two 1/2 ounce $5 Silver Coins or a 1 ounce $10 Silver Coin, on the other side of the Reset...

    I also believe we will have 1/5 ounce $20 "Circulating" Gold Coins...

    Five $20 Gold Coins will get me Two 1/2 ounce $50 Gold Coins, or a One Ounce $100 "Circulating" Gold Coin, on the other side of the Reset...

    At least, this is what my "Fine Tuned" version of the coming U.S. Monetary Correction is telling me...

    Everyone else must decide for themselves, if I'm onto something, with all these Clues I've been seeing lately...

    The 5 Coin Silver Proof Set will be selling for 80 of today's Fiat USD's plus Shipping Fees...

    They will have San Francisco Mint Marks...

    Let me know if you think you're getting a good deal for 80 Fiat USD's...

    Here are 12 of my latest Blogs, about what's heading our way...

    I may have found the "Lost Breyfogle Mine"...

    Good Friday...

    You better "hope" I'm right...

    The more I look at this Rock, the more excited I become...

    Inflation will soon End...

    More "Fine Tuning" revealed...

    How many Examples must I Write...???

    Pennies from Heaven...

    Who's impressed with my Blogs...???

    I'm not an AI Bot, I'm a Man...

    Our Mistakes "can be" Corrected...

    The Resurrection of Debt Free Money...

    The way I write, you should begin to see what I see...

    I'll try to keep my latest 12 posts here, to make them easy to find...

    By the way...

    2011 Buffalo Tails....jpg

    How else did you think we were going to "Make Americans Great Again"...???

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