Did I leave something out...???

in silvergoldstackers •  2 months ago

    $25 Rolls....jpg

    I have to assume that every one of my long time readers are now experts on my "Fine Tuned" version of the coming U.S. Monetary Correction...

    If you were asked to explain my "Fine Tuned" version of the U.S. Monetary Reset, would you be able to do it...???

    It's actually so simple that no one believes it took so many Decades to figure it out...

    Talk about all of us being Bamboozled by Agents of the Central Bank Owners...

    The Central Bank Owners are in the Rental Business...

    In fact, they want us to own nothing are continue Renting their Fiat Dollars...

    We don't pay interest on the Rental Money, we pay Rental Fees...

    What the Central Bank Owners are actually doing is Renting Fiat Currencies and charging us Rental Fees...

    That's about to come to a very quick end, and no one seems to know how to do it, because they're looking for complicated answer, not a simple answer...

    I figure i came up with an answer that so simple, that any 4th Grade Student could understand it...

    We could easily return to "Sound Money" backed by Silver, Gold, Platinum and Palladium Coins...

    Our Sound Money will be in "Perfect Balance" with our Precious Metal Coinage...

    Every time We the People, Mint a Precious Metal Coin, the U.S. Treasury will be allowed to issue or back and equal Face Value amount of Paper Coinage, Electronic Coinage or Common Coinage...

    Our Circulating Silver and Gold Coins will have $2, $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 Face Values...


    Our Common U.S. Coinage has all the Correct Face Values needed to "make change" for our Circulating Silver and Gold Coins...

    I figure, "We the People" will "remove and replace" Paper Dollars with our New Product Line of Paper Cents, or as I like to call it, Paper Coinage...

    The "Face Values" of our Circulating Coinage will experience a 100 Fold increase in "Spending Power"...

    A One Cent Coin will have the Spending Power of One Paper Dollar...

    A Paper Cent will have the Spending Power of One Paper Dollar...

    This makes it necessary to add 99 Decimal Cents to our Electronic Dollars and Cents...

    Your Debt will not automatically be forgiven, since one persons Debt is another persons Asset...

    I figure the United States will be paying off the National Debt and Rental Fees for One Electronic Cent for every "Physical" Paper Dollar held World Wide...

    The 100 to 1 Exchange Rate will cause "no loss" of Spending Power...

    The Exchange will actually experience a small gain in Spending Power, since Paper Dollars have "less" than 1% Spending Power remaining, and the U.S. Treasury will be offering a "full" 1%...

    By the way...

    We the People have Staggering amounts of Silver and Gold standing by, to Jump Start our New and improved Stable Monetary System...

    We will also be buying Silver and Gold from all over the World...

    I'm confident the U.S. Treasury will be paying $90 in Gold Coins and $10 in Electronic Coinage for One Ounce of Gold...

    We the People will pay $9 in Silver Coins and $1 in Electronic Coinage for One Ounce of Silver...

    The Melt Value of Silver will be $9 and the Melt Value of Gold will be $90, but the U.S. Treasury will be offering an "additional" $1 for Silver and an "additional" $10 for Gold...

    We could even offer more during the "Redemption Period"...

    This might help Jump Start our Electronic Coinage, around the World...

    This is getting a little long, so I better stop here...

    Dollar Rolls....jpg

    I even know how to turn a $5 Roll of Quarters into a One Ounce $100 Gold Coin...

    Half Roll Coins....jpg

    Feel free to ask me how that's even possible...

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