The "Over-Looked" Hard Asset...

in silvergoldstackers •  3 months ago

    Can of Quarters....jpg

    The Hard Asset that is being over looked, is our Common U.S. Coinage...

    I know,, you're all saying, "not again"

    If it turned out to be Sea Shells, I'm sure they would have been the topic of my every post...

    But no, it's not Sea Shells, it's Common U.S. Coinage that turns out to be the Hard Asset that will "out-perform" Silver, Gold and all the Cryptocurrencies, in Phase One of the U.S. Monetary Correction...

    The reason I think it will be our Common U.S. Coinage, is "because" our Common Coinage will be needed to "make change" for our New Product Line of "Circulating" Silver and Gold U.S. Coins...

    If I haven't convinced anyone by now, I suppose they must not be taking me seriously...

    The Digital and Paper Fiat Dollars will soon be taken off the Official "Legal Tender Status" of the United States of a Sovereign People...

    I know for a "fact" that "We the People" have staggering amounts of Silver and Gold, just "Standing By" waiting to be Activated, when the Timing is Right...

    Take a long close look at the Common U.S. Coins pictured below...


    When the Switch is Flipped, our Common U.S. Coinage will "instantly" become "Sound Money" that will be 100% backed by our Silver, Gold, Platinum and Palladium Coinage...

    Our Platinum and Palladium Coins will only be issued as "Collector Coinage" and will only "Circulate" among "Coin Collectors"...

    No U.S. Coin will have a Face Value that is Larger than $100...

    By 100%, I mean "Face Value" for "Face Value"...

    I have good reasons to believe the U.S. Treasury will be offering "Special Deals" for Silver and Gold, during the "Redemption Period"...

    For Silver...

    The U.S. Treasury will pay $9 in Silver Coins plus a $1 Bonus in Electronic Coinage for One Ounce of Silver...

    Our "Circulating" Silver Coins will have $2, $5 and $10 Face Values...

    The Bonus amount will only be Paid during the "Redemption Period"...

    For Gold...

    The U.S. Treasury will pay $90 in Gold Coins, plus a $10 Bonus in Electronic Coinage for One Ounce of Gold...

    Our "Circulating" Gold Coins will have $20, $50 and $100 Face Values...

    The Bonus amount will only be Paid during the "Redemption Period"...

    At the End of the Redemption Period, Paper Fiat Dollars can still be turned in for the same 100 to 1 Exchange Rate, but they will no longer have any "Legal Tender Status"...

    Some will never be turned in, because they may become Collector items...

    The removal of "Legal Tender Status" is necessary to Pay the National Debt in Full, including the Interest...

    Insured Bank Accounts will be safe, "up to" $2,500 in Electronic Coinage, with "no loss" in Spending Power...

    Just try not to have more than 250,000 of today's Fiat USD's in any of your insured Accounts...


    Here are 12 of my latest Blogs, about what's heading our way...

    Back to the Old Grind...

    Eureka, I think I "may have" found a Rich Gold Deposit...

    I don't have much time to write today...

    All the Moons Shadows...

    What I can do with my Hive Power...

    Why do I waste my time...

    Cryptocurrencies do not make good Monetary Tools...

    Look what I got in the Mail...

    I may call my Discovery, the "Chocolate Quartz Mine"...

    New $1 U.S. Coins, can be turned in for Silver...

    Paying off the National Debt and interest...

    Easter Sunday...

    The way I write, you should begin to see what I see...

    I'll try to keep my latest 12 posts here, to make them easy to find...

    This will make it easier for you to go down the list in each post...

    Now, can you see why I believe our Common U.S. Coinage "is" the over-looked Hard Asset...???

    I bet you're all wondering why I believe what I write, "will" come to pass...

    Feel free to ask...

    Gold Coin....jpg

    How else did you think we were going to "Make Americans Great Again"...???

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