One Penny will get me 100 Electronic Decimal Cents...

in silvergoldstackers •  2 months ago


    There seems to be some pretty crazy stuff going on, around the World...

    Let me know if there's anything special you've been doing to prepare for any of your concerns...

    Many people are Stacking Silver and Gold...

    I see nothing wrong with Stacking Silver and Gold...

    If I had to choose between the two, I'd pick Silver for sure...

    I figure, the day will come when One Ounce of Silver will get someone Two Ounces of Gold...

    I may not be around when that day comes, but who knows...???

    It may happen much quicker than I think...

    I like the thought about what I think will happen when the Monetary Switch is Flipped back to "We the People"...

    Most people don't realize that "We the People" own the "Rights" to all U.S. Coinage, in any form we choose to issue it...

    I figure, we will have Silver Coinage, Gold Coinage, Platinum Coinage, Palladium Coinage, Electronic Coinage, Paper Coinage and Common Coinage...

    Our Corrected Monetary System will range from $0.0001 all the way up to $100...

    It will take 100 Decimal Cents to equal One Paper Cent, or a One Cent Coin...


    Drop a Penny in a Machine that will add $0.0100 or 100 Decimal Cents to your Card...

    Drop in a Nickel and get $0.0500 or 500 Decimal Cents...

    Drop in a Dime and get $0.1000 or 1,000 Decimal Cents...

    Drop in a Quarter and get $0.2500 or 2,500 Decimal Cents...

    Drop in a Half Dollar and get $0.5000 or 5,000 Decimal Cents...

    Drop in a $1 Coin and get back $1.0000 or 10,000 Decimal Cents...

    We could go on and on, but I doubt that anyone would drop more than a $1 Coin into the Machine...

    A $1 Coin will have the Spending Power of 100 of today's Fiat Dollars...

    The Machines will probably charge a Fee...

    When paying in Cash, Decimal Cents can be added to your Electronic Debit Card as "change" with no fees...

    When using Cash, there will usually be a certain amount of Decimal Cents due...

    Electronic Debit Cards will mainly be used to pay for any amount "less" than One Cent...

    If a Person is paying with Cash, they'll still need an Electronic Debit Card for any amount "less" than One Cent...

    Dollar Rolls....jpg

    People are going to wish they had a Couple Rolls of $1 Coins on the other side of the Reset...

    $25 Rolls....jpg

    Two rolls of $1 Coins will be 100% backed by our "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins, and have the Spending Power of 5,000 of today's Fiat Dollars...

    Just in case you're new to my Blogs, here are 12 of my latest Posts, for your reading enlightenment...

    I may be winding down Folks...

    GOOD NEWS...

    The Best "is" here to stay...

    The Time is Now...

    Pocket Change is here to stay...

    To answer your question, "I don't know"...

    One more time, real slow...

    The Treasure is within Reach...

    Attention Dolphins...

    Hello Friends...

    There will be an "Electronic Coinage" bonus for Silver and Gold...

    Who wants to be Rich...???

    The way I write, you should begin to see what I see...

    I'll try to keep my latest 12 posts here, to make them easy to find...

    This will make it easier for you to go the top of the list, in each of the posts...

    If any of you new readers have any questions, please feel free to ask...

    2011 Bullalo....jpg

    How else did you think we were going to "Make Americans Great Again"...??

    Let me know if you have any questions or concerns, or just leave a one word comment to let me know you stopped by...

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