"Story Time on the Mighty Frigate Silverton!" 07AP24- 'Sally May...cont...'

in silvergoldstackers •  3 months ago



    With a slight flush o' embarrassment, she turned an' left th’ ward. Wi' whit guid sight Ahh hud in one yak, Ahh swore ‘att she wuz th' maist bonny woman Ahh had ever met!

    ‘Alright then Joshua..’ Ahh thought tae meself, ‘No mair feeling ill fur yerself, it's unbecomin'!’ (See: https://hive.blog/adventure/@joshuaslane/story-time-on-the-mighty-frigate-silverton-01ap24-sally-may-cont )

    ~ ~ ~ ~

    Nothing in me life up tae that time cuid compare tae those days an' weeks that me guid Nurse Sally May called upon me bedside. Ahh had strange feelin's! Nae that Ahh wiz happy fur me battle injury, but that somehow Ahh received something o' stoatin value in return fur it. Me heart wiz locked.
    This young woman wuz loch nae one Ahh had ever met afore. She wuz kind, caring an' meticulous in her care. She wiz strong- nae letting me slack-off oan me exercises nor me attitude. Ahh knew that she wis someone Ahh would ne'er forget, an' Ahh didn’t want to!

    Then th' day came that Ahh had bin dreading fur some time. Sally came into me curtained cell an' sat doon in a chair across from mine. She held a yellow paper in her hand. Her smile wis somehow different that mornin', half-hearted?

    “What hav ye got thare guid Nurse?” Ahh said wi' some cheer.

    She hesitated a wee bit, keekin down…

    “Well, Ahh hav guid news fur ye Joshua…”
    “Guid news?”
    “Aye, weel, th' doctor is releasing ye tae medical shore leave…” She said as she glanced back up an' caught me steady gaze.

    “Blimey…” Ahh said in surprise, a bawherr lost fur wurds, “So Ahh’m free?”
    “Free as ye kin be. Three months at least afore ye hav tae report back tae Captain Stoic.”

    (Now fur they o' ye who hae bin wi' me fur a time, ye likely recognize th' name. Captain Stoic wouldd eventually become Admiral Stoic o' th' Royal Scots fleet).
    “When?” Ahh asked, feeling a slight pang o' discomfort.

    Ahh’ll admit it, me heart wis starting tae poond! Poole, Englain wis a lang ways awa' from Elgol, Skye! ‘Cats tails, howfur wis Ahh tae donder (walk) awa' froms her an' nae keek (look) back?!’

    She handed me me release paper an' stood up slowly…

    “I think…I’ll lassy (miss) ye Joshua Slane.” She said briefly.


    It cuid hav bin me imagination that caused me tae see a slight wetness o' her een (eyes). Mebbie 'twas me imagination. Likely it was…but it certainly wasn’t me imagination that Ahh hud a grawin sense o' loneliness wellin' up ben (through) me soul. Wi'oot thinkin', Ahh reached oot an' touched her hand as she began tae leave. Ahh saw her take a deep breath as she hesitated…

    “But…will ye come by in th' mornin' tae say cheerio Nurse Sally?” Ahh said impulsively, me voice tight.

    “I will.”

    With that brief assurance, Ahh watched her leave th' ward. Her white skirt flowin; wi' her steps lik' a bridle gown. 'Twas then that th' mirk wave o' sorrow skelp (hit) me! Aye, like a mirk (dark) wave!

    ‘Bloody hell, Ahh’m a near one-eyed Petty Boaby (Officer) in a hospital stowed oot o' guid men! How come would she hav ony mair interest in me than a passing acquaintance?! She cuid hav th' pick o' ony o' th' men in Poole!'

    A hard, freuch (dry) swallow tucked me heid doon as th' truth o' th' matter skelp (hit) me. Ahh wis headed back tae me home village o' Elgol tae spend th' next 3 months in th' Navy Veteran’s facility. Me fowk wis thare, weel, ainlie (only) me mother wis left. It would pain her tae see me new condition. Th' happy wee village that Ahh grew up in noo (now) seemed sae far awa', sae very far awa' an' rather…grey.


    🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️
    Weel, it's gettin' late, an' th' oil in me lamp is nearly gone mates. We'll continue uir chat anither days!" 😉 -Keptin


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