I'm traveling home today but I scheduled this post last night so you can enjoy this cool copper round that @dfinney sent me :D
It's from the Monarch Precious Metals Zodiac series, which are available in silver and copper.
Find Your zodiac sign based on the day of the year you're born.
December 22nd through January 19th - Capricorn
January 20th through February 18th - Aquarius
February 19th through March 20th - Pisces
March 21st through April 19th - Aries
April 20th through May 20th - Taurus
May 21st through June 20th - Gemini
June 21st through July 22nd - Cancer
July 23rd through August 22nd - Leo
August 23rd through Sepetember 22nd - Virgo
September 23rd through October 22nd - Libra
October 23rd through November 21st - Scorpio
November 22nd through December 21st - Sagittarius
Can't wait to get home today and open my #secretsilversanta gift 😃