Sunset over the Pacific Ocean...

in silvergoldstackers •  4 months ago

    BELL 2....jpg

    I've been hearing about a New Quantum Financial System that went live on the Star Link Satellite Network...

    Have any of you heard of this before...???

    People are still wondering what we're going to use to buy back all the "Physical" Fiat USD's, spread out all over the World, when they come Flooding back to the United States of a Sovereign People...

    I've had he answer for years and years, and I'm just a Dummy...

    Surely there are others besides me who knows the answer...

    The person who didn't know what we were going to use, isn't aware that "We the People" have "Staggering" amounts of Silver and Gold, just "Standing By"...

    That amount of Silver and Gold we have Standing By, has nothing to do with anything stored at Fort Knox, or any other obvious storage facility...

    It's all be part of a well thought out, and Decades long Plan that can be "Activated" at the drop of a hat...

    For some reason, I was able to fill in many pieces to the Monetary Puzzle, which makes everything much easier to see...

    I personally think I'm a few steps ahead of everyone I listen concerning the U.S. Monetary System and how Easy it can be Fixed...

    I even figure out how to pay off the National Debt in Full, including the interest, all the Financial Guru's say couldn't be paid...

    I know how to end all Federal Income Tax...

    Feel free to ask questions...

    My answers are just floating around, waiting for the right questions...

    Hive can be a very discouraging place for me at times...

    Instead of my Message going Viral, it tends to remain invisible to many...

    Sometimes, I feel like I'm just wasting my time...

    I can't wait for the Reset, so I can get back to normal...

    Then again, I do like writing, so I'm somehow caught in the middle...

    Seems like the most obvious place for me to be, now that I'm thinking about it...

    I've been stuck in the Present, my entire Life...

    The Present is in the Middle of the Past and the Future...

    No wonder I always find myself caught in the

    At least I'm still able to laugh at myself...

    I try to make the best of things, if nothing else...

    I see New Life popping out of my Trumpet Vines...

    Many of my Rose Bush Cuttings look like they took Root, which pleases me...

    My weeds are pretty much under control...

    I created some Rich Garden Mulch from the leaves of my Trees and Shrubs...


    BRIGHT SUN....jpg

    Sunset over the Pacific Ocean, South of the Cliff House in San Francisco...

    I had to take another look at my Title, so I can continue...

    I actually see good things heading our way...

    It's not going to be all the Doom and Gloom, I've been hearing about...

    I see a very Smooth Transition into our New and Improved Monetary System...

    The 100 to 1 Exchange Rate will cause no loss in Spending Power, if you're holding Physical Paper Dollars...

    Yes, they will come Flooding back to the United States to be Destroyed as Payment of Debt...

    At the end of the Redemption Period, Physical Paper Fiat USD's will lose any and all "Legal Tender Status"...

    You're on your own, if you're holding Digital Fiat USD's...

    Some Bank Deposits will be insured "up to" $2,500 in our New Electronic Coinage...

    Our Electronic Coinage will be 100% backed by our "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins, along with and "Collector" Coinage, in the form of Silver, Gold, Platinum and Palladium Coins...

    We will also have 100% backed Paper Coinage, that will range from One Cent to One Hundred Cents...

    Lucky for us, we have Staggering amounts of Common U.S. Coinage that will also be 100% backed...

    I guess I'll look and see what the U.S. Mint has coming up...

    These can be ordered, starting on the 24 Day of this Month...

    The One Hundred Coin Bags come with "P or D" Mint Marks at a Cost of 45 Fiat USD's per 100 Coin Bag...

    They also come in the Two Roll Set with "P and D" Mint Marks for 40 Fiat USD's, or the Three Roll Set with "P, D and S" Mint Marks for 60 Fiat USD's...

    Just go to the U.S. Mints Web Site and look at their Product Schedule for 2024 and you can find these 25 Cent Coins along with many other Deals...

    They do ship to many Countries, and I'm sure your Country is probably on the list...

    2011 Buffalo Tails....jpg

    How else did you think we were going to "Make Americans Great Again"...???

    Let me know if you have any questions or concerns...

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