Volatitility is back - when to sell?

in sell •  4 months ago

    SO, life is interesting. Yesterday I wrote about eating breakfast while watching charts, and life ain't much different today. We saw a pump taking the price of Bitcoin to $64,000, before it dumped to $59,000, and now it is somewhere in between those two. But, we can definitely say that the volatility is back with the increased volume, and things are heating up.

    Not only is Bitcoin pushing its prices upwards, but the altcoins have also started, and we have seen lots of big coins with gains around 10% in the last 24 hours. In other words, the value of OG cryptotraders are growing rapidly, meaning that many see the value of their portfolio grow with 10% or more in less than 24 hours.


    But, then comes the question... when will this stop? We will for sure see some sell-the-news thing before the Bitcoin halving, but is this bull-run just warming up, or is it about time to start taking profits already?

    It is hard to predict, and I don't have any magical answers. I frequently listen to a Coindesk Daily Markets Update podcast, and every day they speak with different people following the crypto markets closely. I feel there are as many answers as there are people, so I guess I need to first of all follow myself and the plans I made earlier. But, what were those plans? I don't even remember...

    What are your plans?

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