The Daily Meme #792!

in selfhelp •  last month

    I was out reading my hive reading list when I came across a post that compelled me to make a comment.
    I'm often compelled to make comments, it's generally the only way I speak up, at all.
    Compulsions can be a bitch.

    Anyway, by the time I had made the comment that I was compelled to spew out on the topic of the post, I had enough to qualify for post status.
    Not being one to miss a chance to spew to a broader audience, here we are.

    Aren't you the lucky one, dear reader?


    This author thought we would be there by now, but nope.
    His solution retains money.

    This author retains barter.

    This author explains what is about to happen because the now refuses to let the past go on by.

    This author gives a detailed, documented, academic rationale for it all.
    It is a harvard thesis paper.

    This author shows why and how we don't have to have money.
    We do have to have workers.

    On any given tuesday, the workers can simply continue to do the work that fills the shelves while refusing pay/to pay and as long as the work is done, the shelves stay full.

    When you go to work, do you call up the accountants and make sure that the customers are paying the boss?

    No, you just start doing the work.

    The accounting department could fall in a lake and it would make no difference in your life, provided you continued to do the work.
    If you stop doing the work, we all starve.
    If you continue doing the work, the only difference we notice is that we don't have to worry about paying bills anymore.

    The cell phone works because those workers continue to work.
    The lights stay on because those workers continue to do their work.
    The stores are full because those workers continue their work.
    The warehouses are full because the truckers keep on trucking.
    Everybody has a house and shoes because those workers continue to produce them because they just love doing that work now that they can do any work they want to do and not just the work they are allowed to do by some jackass with a lot of money that will pay only a fraction of the true value of their work while forcing them to worship his majesty, or hit the bricks.

    Why you people continue in this paradigm is beyond me, read an f'n book, please.

    They don't have to burn books when nobody reads them.™


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