LuLu Biggs: Ultra Slam 2 Aftermath

in scholarandscribe •  5 months ago


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    The scene opens 24 hours after the Ultra Slam 2 show at a hospital in Mexico City. The hospital's sterile, white corridors contrast starkly with the colorful and vibrant personalities of LuLu Biggs and Slick Mick, who stand just outside a particular hospital room. The door is slightly ajar, allowing glimpses of the room's occupant: Huckleberry, encased in a full-body cast, his broken limbs suspended by a complex system of weights and pulleys. The rhythmic beeping of medical equipment punctuates the tense silence.

    LuLu, dressed in his usual flamboyant attire but with a somber expression, leans against the wall, arms crossed. Slick Mick, equally subdued, shakes his head in disbelief as he peeks into the room.

    LuLu Biggs: I've seen some rough stuff in my day, Mick, but this... this is brutal. Huck... he don't even look like himself all wrapped up like a mummy.

    Slick Mick: Man, LuLu, that fall... it was something else. Never thought we'd see Huck like this. The dude's invincible, or so I thought.

    As they exchange words, a team of doctors inside the room can be seen consulting over Huckleberry's charts, their faces a mixture of professional concern and grim determination. After a few moments, the head doctor, a woman in her late forties with a compassionate yet authoritative demeanor, steps out to address Biggs and Mick. She removes her glasses and rubs the bridge of her nose before speaking.

    Head Doctor: Mr. Biggs, Mr. Mick, I'm Dr. Ramirez. I understand you're close to the patient, Mr. Huckleberry. I won't sugarcoat it; his condition is severe. The fall from the Hell in the Cell structure caused multiple fractures throughout his body. We've placed him in a medically induced coma to manage the pain and facilitate the healing process.

    LuLu Biggs: Doc, are you sayin' Huck's gonna pull through this? He's gonna be alright?

    Dr. Ramirez: It's too early to give a definitive prognosis. I can say that he's stable for now, but the road to recovery will be long and arduous. It's highly unlikely he'll return to wrestling. Walking and day-to-day activities will be his battles now.

    The weight of her words hangs heavy in the air. Slick Mick looks away, unable to hide his distress. LuLu, ever the pragmatist but visibly shaken, furrows his brow before posing a blunt question.

    LuLu Biggs: So, what you're sayin' is, he's more or less a goner? Should we... should we just pull the plug on him?

    Dr. Ramirez's eyes widened in shock, and anger flashed across her face. She takes a deep breath, regaining her composure before responding with a firm tone.

    Dr. Ramirez: Mr. Biggs, I understand this is a difficult time, but talk of 'pulling the plug' is entirely premature and, frankly, inappropriate. Huckleberry is alive, and while his quality of life will certainly be different, there's still hope for a meaningful recovery. We're doing everything Yewe can to ensure he gets the best possible care.

    LuLu and Mick exchange a look, the gravity of the situation settling in. LuLu nods slowly, a newfound respect for the doctor's dedication evident in his demeanor.

    LuLu Biggs: I apologize, Doc. This whole thing's just... a lot to take in, you know? Huck's one of us, and seein' him like this, it's tough. Just let us know what we can do to help, alright?

    Dr. Ramirez softens, understanding the emotional turmoil they're experiencing. She nods, offering a small, reassuring smile.

    Dr. Ramirez: Of course. I'll keep you both updated on his progress. For now, the best thing you can do is be there for him. Even in a coma, familiar voices can be comforting. Talk to him. Let him know you're here.

    Dr. Ramirez re-enters the room after a brief consultation with her team, her expression even more grave than before. She approaches LuLu Biggs and Slick Mick, who are still trying to face the dire situation.

    Dr. Ramirez: Mr. Biggs, Mr. Mick, you need to be aware of more. Upon further examination, we've discovered additional complications that are concerning. Huckleberry's toxicology report came back, and it showed high levels of cocaine, alcohol, and marijuana in his system. This isn't just recreational use; it's indicative of a serious substance abuse problem.

    LuLu quickly crosses his arms and takes a defensive stance, unhappy with what he hears from the doctor. Slick follows suit, almost imitating LuLu to a T.

    Dr. Ramirez: That's not all. We also found multiple STDs, which further complicates his recovery process. Also, there's something else – an object in his stomach emitting radio waves. We're not sure what it is yet, but it's likely another risky endeavor he's been involved in.

    LuLu's face reddens with anger, not at Huckleberry's condition but at the doctor's insinuations. Slick Mick shifts uncomfortably, looking from LuLu to Dr. Ramirez, sensing the brewing confrontation.

    LuLu Biggs: Now you listen here, Doc. You're outta line! Huckleberry's a grown-ass man; he makes his own choices. Who are you to judge, huh? Some quack doctor who probably ain't been on a date in years 'cause you got your nose stuck in books all day!

    Dr. Ramirez: Mr. Biggs, I assure you, my concerns are purely professional. I must inform you of all factors that could affect his recovery. Huckleberry needs help far beyond just physical healing. Substance abuse treatment and counseling – are critical for his well-being.

    LuLu, unable to accept the harsh reality of the situation and his possible role in it, scoffs at the doctor's advice. His protective nature over Huckleberry clashes with the truth of his friend's self-destructive path.

    LuLu Biggs: Help? The only help Huck needs is to get outta this dump and away from judgmental folks like you. C'mon, Mick, we're outta here, we got bitches waitin' in the car!

    LuLu storms out of the hospital room with Slick Mick trailing behind him, a mix of shame and loyalty on his face. Dr. Ramirez watches them go, her expression blending frustration and concern. She understands that denial and anger are part of the coping process but can't help but worry about Huckleberry's future if his closest friends can't accept the reality of his condition.


    The scene transitioned to the bustling city of Tokyo, Japan, where the stark contrast of the vibrant metropolis was somewhat dimmed by the omnipresent shadow of the Blovid-13 pandemic. Masks covered every face, a testament to the global crisis, as the wrestling world attempted to maintain a semblance of normalcy amidst the chaos.

    In a spacious conference room, meticulously arranged with social distancing in mind, the wrestling media had gathered for a press conference featuring LuLu Biggs and Slick Mick. The anticipation was palpable, not just for the upcoming Friday Night Clash 27, but for the unique "Pimp Cane on a Pole" match that had captured the imagination of fans worldwide.

    Devin Zeagal, the Hollywood actor with an eye for spectacle, introduced LuLu and Mick, who took their seats at the podium, their flamboyant masks barely concealing their confident smirks. The media's cameras flashed incessantly, capturing every moment of the unfolding drama.

    Devin Zeagal: Ladies and gentlemen of the press, thank you for joining us today. As we all know, the upcoming main event at Friday Night Clash 27 is one for the ages. LuLu Biggs versus Jeremiah Vastrix, with not one, but four pimp canes atop each ring post. It's a match that promises to be as electrifying as it is personal. Now, without further ado, let's open the floor to questions.

    A hand shot up from the sea of masked faces, a journalist from a well-known wrestling publication. The room fell silent as the question was posed; the weight of the inquiry was immediately apparent.

    Journalist: LuLu, before we dive into the details of the upcoming match, the wrestling community is eager to know about Huckleberry's condition. After his devastating fall at Ultra Slam 2, can you update us on how he's doing?

    LuLu, momentarily taken aback by the directness of the question, composed himself before responding. His usual bravado was tempered by the seriousness of the subject.

    LuLu Biggs: Look, I ain't gonna sugarcoat it. Huck's been through the wringer, ya know? That fall wasn't no joke. He's been fightin'—fightin' hard. But he's tough, tougher than most. Can't say much more than that right now, but keep him in your thoughts, aight?

    Another journalist, representing a prominent sports network, followed up, their voice muffled behind their mask.

    Journalist 2: With Huckleberry's situation in mind, how has that influenced your preparation for the match against Jeremiah Vastrix? Especially considering the personal nature of this bout, with the attack involving your own pimp cane.

    LuLu's expression hardened, the mention of the attack reigniting the simmering anger beneath the surface.

    LuLu Biggs: That whole mess with Jeremiah and my cane? That's personal, real personal. It ain't just about Huck no more. It's about respect. And come Friday Night Clash, I'mma show Jeremiah and the whole world what happens when you disrespect LuLu Biggs and Slick Mick. We ain't just bringin' the fight; we're bringin' the whole damn war.

    The room buzzed with the intensity of LuLu's declaration, the media fervently scribbling notes and whispering amongst themselves. The press conference continued each question and answer, adding layers to the already palpable tension leading up to the climactic showdown at Friday Night Clash 27.

    The press conference continued, the tension thick in the air as the next journalist rose, their mask doing little to hide the eagerness in their eyes. They referenced the scathing comments Jeremiah Vastrix had recently posted on social media, targeting LuLu Biggs directly.

    Journalist 3: LuLu, Jeremiah Vastrix didn't hold back in his recent social media tirade against you. He's promised to dismantle you in the ring, questioning your skills and even mocking your size. How do you respond to such personal and provocative attacks?

    LuLu leaned into the microphone, his mask barely containing the sneer that formed on his lips. His response was laden with streetwise aggression and a palpable disdain for Jeremiah's reliance on technology over raw skill.

    LuLu Biggs: Yo, listen up. Jeremiah thinks he's the big man 'cause of them cybernetic toys he got? Please. Dude's gotta rely on machines to do his dirty work; what's that tell ya 'bout his so-called 'manhood'? Ain't nothin' but a punk bitch hidin' behind tech.

    He paused, letting his words sink in, his gaze piercing through the assembled press as if he could see Jeremiah himself in the crowd.

    LuLu Biggs: Talkin' 'bout dismantlin' me, breakin' me down? Only thing breakin' down is the illusion that he's top dog. Real champs don't need enhancements, ya feel? As for his comments 'bout my size, my training? Pssh, shows what he knows. I'mma use every pound of me to crush him just like the first time we got in the ring together.

    Another journalist, sensing the escalating hostility, quickly interjected with a follow-up question, seeking to delve deeper into the heart of the rivalry.

    Journalist 4: Given the harshness of Vastrix's words, do you think this goes beyond just a match? Just how personal is it?

    LuLu's response was swift, his voice dripping with contempt for Jeremiah's tactics and the insinuation that he could be intimidated by mere words.

    LuLu Biggs: Personal? You're damn right it's personal. Jeremiah crossed a line, and in this game, you don't get to talk that kinda smack without expectin' repercussions. He wants to make an example outta me? Nah, I'mma flip the script. I'mma show him and everyone else what happens when you mess with real street grit. This ain't just 'bout winnin' a match no more; it's 'bout settin' the record straight.

    The room hung on LuLu's every word, the intensity of his resolve palpable. One more journalist, emboldened by the raw emotion on display, ventured a final question, pushing the boundaries of the already heated exchange.

    Journalist 5: LuLu, with all this bad blood boiling over, how do you plan to keep your cool in the ring and not let Vastrix's provocations throw you off your game?

    LuLu's laugh was humorless, chilling the room despite the underlying heat of his anger.

    LuLu Biggs: Keep my cool? Ain't no cool to keep, not no more. Jeremiah wanted to stoke the flames? Well, he got 'em now. I ain't steppin' in that ring to dance around and play nice. I'm goin' in there to fight, to dominate. If Jeremiah thinks his cybernetics give him the edge, he's got another thing comin'. Ain't no machine can replicate or predict what I'm going to do because it's one hundred percent original. Ain't no one like me! Come Friday Night Clash, he's gonna learn that the hard way.

    The press conference drew to a close, the air thick with anticipation and the promise of an epic showdown. The clash between LuLu Biggs and Jeremiah Vastrix had evolved from a mere match to a battle for respect, pride, and the essence of what it meant to be a fighter in the unforgiving wrestling world.

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