SSC Weeks 9 & 10 1/2 (hee hee)

in saturdaysavers •  4 months ago

    Yeah so it's been two weeks since my last #saturdaysavers post, apologies, but I'm catching up now, so let's do it! :) Ha ha ha.

    Last post I was at 10103.819 HP and 308.04 EDS, and my goals for this year are 12k HP and 450 EDS. Let's see my progress.

    I am up to 10,180.771 HP, which is an increase of 76.952. That's not tons for two weeks, but I haven't been posting much of late. Brain has been riding the struggle bus, so hopefully I can get back on track and post more frequently. I also increased my delegation to @eds-vote, as was my plan mentioned last time, to 200 HP.

    ssc delegations 15mar12024.jpg

    On the EDS front, I have increased to 313.59, an additional 5.55 tokens. I bought some as usual by selling some second layer tokens, plus I noticed the bump in payment from increasing my delegation. Since I don't deletage tons like some people do (I like to drop nice upvotes myself as much as I can), it's not a *huge* payment, but every little bit helps! :)

    What's the Saturday Saver's Club?

    It's a club where we support each other in our savings goals, and there are contests where you can win prizes, too! Check it out on the @eddie-earner account if you'd like to join us! :) Have a wonderful week and thanks for reading!

    SSC Banner.png

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