Cup of Tea break.

in satire •  3 months ago

    Sure why not.

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    Someone asked me if I could write a post backward. Guess so. I was waiting expecting a punch line, but none came. From my side, I don't see any reason why someone could not. I asked why do you ask, (I get suspicious when people ask personal questions like that). Just wondered they said. Well ye see, here's a thing. Back in one of those centuries long past gone now. It was a different world. Anyways, back then, I got enrolled in the wrong class and had to learn to be a secretary. (I put that enrolment down to human error.) I had not got my new clothes for going to the bigger school yet.

    Ye heard that story before. how life was bad no money and stuff. Still we were happy.

    This might be a common history for many out there. The hand me downs. The older siblings would give their clothes back to be given to a younger sibling later when they grew in to it. I was still wearing last years hand me downs, when I went to register for the first year in the bigger school. Still wearing the hand me downs. The woman at the counter must have thought I was a girl. Not easy having an older sister as your older sibling.

    Well, if ye believe that. Read on ye will believe anything I type.

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    Well anyways, I had some lessons on how to type. The only fella in a room of girls worked well for me too. Typing came easy and soon enough I was showing off my skills to impress the girls. This showing off caught the attention of the tutor and also got me detention. At that detention two men walked in with black coats hats and glasses. Then a third and the first two stepped to the sider and the third walked through. First thing I thought was The Blues Triplets.

    Turns out they were interested in my typing ability. They wanted to recruit me. Away I went to work at a keyboard. This included training. I had to learn to type blindfolded and with my hands handcuffed behind my back, and then both, blindfolded and handcuffed behind my back.

    So to prove I can write a post backward I typed this one with my hands tied behind my back.

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    Well that suspicious girl she vanished. Probably for the best.

    Thanks for the cup of tea. Oh I put a new rise bush in the garden for ye. ;)

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