Hive Philippines Travel and Nature Photography #779 - by Allmonitors

in sadanga •  3 months ago

    #779 - Nature shots for Friday.

    Happy Friday fellow lovely Hiveans. Hope all is well this weekend out there. It's hot as usual here because of the summer season. The two carpenters who are working on the roof of my mother-in-law house were back today to finish the job. They only stayed half of the day because there's only a few things that needed to be done like finish painting the remaining area of the roof that was left behind yesterday afternoon and also install this PVC pipe for the drainage from the roof. My mother in law still have them ate lunch before the two carpenters went home so that they are in full stomach and no need for them to eat at their place when they arrived.

    Moving on to our daily shots which is about nature, let me bring us back to the time when we went to visit a rural place which is about an hour jeepney ride from the capital of Mountain Province which is Bontoc going to the remote village of Sadanga. It's a quiet rural area with only a small number of settlers and most of them are like relatives by blood. We got there before noon time after riding a large jeepney from the center of this province. It was the wife's idea to go here because she saw that the place has a big waterfalls which can be reach after a two hour trek. After dropping off our bags in a small rental room which is owned by a local, my wife and I started exploring the area while waiting for a guide to show up.

    Took this photo of the board showing the name and direction of the elementary school of this village. The place is surrounded by mountains and there were clouds too on them. There is a dog resting also below the sign which kinda cute. And the houses are the typical kind that we can see here, pure galvanized roof and even the walls are covered with galva. Those with concrete walls are the well to do ones.

    There's also an abundance of these kinds of Lantana plant bearing different colors of flowers.

    Getting a guide on a weekday which is the day we got here is somehow challenging because the guides are also farmers and they are in the fields during weekdays. Tourists during weekend is the peak and only a few come here during weekdays so it takes a while to get an available guide to show up, luckily there's one that is about to show up coming from the next mountain so we had to wait for another thirty minutes for him yo arrived. So we walked around near the area we were staying and took photos of this dandelion like plant along the road. It has new buds and some are also blooming, there were also those flowers that started to get old and their seeds are getting blown away by the wind already.



    Then there's also this perennial squash plant that just so happen to grow on the roads especially in the provincial areas. The plant has flowers already and I saw these two yellow insects that were fooling around chasing each other around the yellow flower. Then after a while the critter that's being chased went to the leaf where the other followed. Then it went tova other younger flower where they spent sometimes chasing one another 😂. I think they were having the best time of their lives playing around, never thought insects would do this kind of enjoyment.





    This photo is not from Sadanga but before we reached the town proper of Bontoc. It was early morning at six and the fog was there sitting on the lower areas of the surrounding mountains.

    Follow me on my nature travels.
    Shot taken in Mountain Province, Philippines.

    Image/s were shot using Panasonic ZS110. ~rex

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