A more real life, Jarred.

in risingstar •  5 days ago


    Jarred is in the middle of another one of those parties that seem to never end. The music is loud, the lights are dazzling and he moves through the people, laughing without commitment to anything. The night goes by as he chats with some of his friends at the party while he continues to drink one bottle of beer after another. Every hour, every night, he is always in the same boat, parties and more parties, alcohol and more alcohol. He has neglected his life by leading this impractical lifestyle. His life is thinking about when the next party will come. Then his friends leave him, go get more beer and he sits at a table to wait for them. And in this little time he realizes something important, after so much time, at some point, all this has become routine, one party after another without grace. It is not that the party is not good but he already feels like he is drowning in that environment. His life was going away while he was still locked in this environment and all because of him.


    After years of maintaining this lifestyle, he stopped to think if this is what he wanted. The background music blends with his thoughts, and at that moment something inside him seemed to fade a little. As he leaves the party, he walks slowly, without the usual rush, letting each step take him to a corner of his mind where he asks himself if this path of light and shadow is leaving him with something good. And it is at that moment, in the middle of the street, when his mind fills with memories of other nights, of moments shared with someone who has always been there, his wife. That image, which appears without asking permission, reminds him of a conversation they had a few days ago, in which between laughter and silence, they dared to dream of something different, something simpler and more real.

    Arriving home, the atmosphere changes. The place is not perfect nor is it decorated to impress, but it has an honesty that contrasts with the superficiality of the exterior. He sits on the sofa, and while he looks at his wife, the conversation becomes so natural. But when he tries to explain everything he's feeling, his tongue gets stuck trying to explain this already complicated thing. He gathers his courage and they start talking about leaving behind that party life, about looking for moments that really mean something, about building a life together that has a little more meaning, although the truth is they don't know very well where to start.


    She and he come to an agreement, they want to change, they want everything to go back to the way it was when they were married. They hardly saw each other anymore. Not long after, Jarred starts making small changes to his routine. He no longer rushes out looking for another night out, but now he takes the time to have a leisurely breakfast, to talk without expecting the conversation to have a spectacular ending. There are days when he makes a mistake when making the coffee, and his wife laughs at these blunders that make everything feel more real, more human. Life before, with its constant noise, seems far away, as if it were a badly told anecdote from someone else. Now, life is built with small steps, sometimes uncertain, but full of an honesty that he has not felt in years.


    Now the two of them were beginning to feel closer and happier. They realized everything they were missing out on by not making changes sooner. That made them a little sad because they could have started this many years ago. But well, it was no longer worth worrying about something that happened. Now it's better to focus on the future. A little while they were cleaning up some mess in the house, they stopped to look into each other's eyes and realized that the change would be a process full of stumbles and half-hearted laughs. But if they wanted to go back to what they once were, they had to make an effort.

    The process is one of slow steps in which you learn to recognize that the important thing is company, the closeness of someone who understands you without expecting it to happen overnight. In fact, Jarred is still clumsy, sometimes he gets tangled up when talking about his feelings, and his wife corrects him with a smile that reminds him that not everything has to be excellent to be valuable. Together, they begin to imagine a life in which the daily routine, with its small setbacks and simple joys, becomes something that truly is life.

    Both begin a transition in the coming and going of everyday moments. There are days when he laughs at the absurdity of his past, at those endless nights that no longer seem so important. The transformation feels like a series of small victories, as if each clumsy step brings him closer to a version of himself that he had forgotten existed. Jarred is still himself, with his flaws and his clumsiness, but now both he and his wife have hope for something different. And although he knows that the path is not straight and that there will be setbacks, he feels calm at the idea of building, step by step, a life that finally feels real.


    Credits: The images used are free to use and royalty free. They were taken from pixabay.

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