in review •  3 months ago


    Epic,Harrowing and Hopeful,I’ll rate this movie 10/10 this movie is a masterpiece with the genres I mentioned above

    There’s almost nothing as powerful as a good redemption story,and moses has one of the most compelling redemption arcs in human history.

    The three-part series covers the majority of Moses' life from his birth in Egypt to his death just outside the Promised Land of Canaan. Among the best docuseries around, Testament: The Story of Moses is worth pop watch for anyone interested in the biblical figure

    The movie was played by the Actor Avi Azulay as Moses, Dominique Jade Tipper as Zipporah,Mehmet Kurtulus as Pharoah

    It is a new documentary series exploring his life, from his exile as an outcast and murderer to eventual prophet and liberator. The three episodes take the story of Moses far deeper than the conventional wisdom generated by history classrooms and Charlton Heston; in other words, even if you think you know Moses, you have no idea. The new three-part series is directed by Benjamin Ross.

    Have you ever been in a situation where you feel like all hope is lost? This was the case of the children of Isreal as God hardened Pharoah’s heart


    I just finished the series and I’ll recommend it to those who love biblical stories the movie talks about Everything about his life, his challenges, what he went through, and what he’s done

    Like I said this movie is a 10/10 and is currently Top 10 on Netflix I suggest you go watch it now
    The stories of the Bible never gets old as we are made to know what the Israelites suffered and how they were captured by Pharoah and the Egyptians and how the plagues fell upon the Egyptians and also how they finally got to the promised land,the land of milk and honey

    Anyone who has seen The Ten Commandments as a child was well aware of the more epic elements of the tale,The burning bush, the plagues, Passover, the Red Sea, and, of course, the Ten Commandments. What really drew us in was the mystery of Moses’ inner life, his struggles with his own identity, his self-doubt, his humanness


    Experiencing a story visually can add a whole new dimension to the narrative, making it more vivid and engaging. It's like stepping into the world of the story and seeing it come to life before your eyes.

    I hope you do check the series out and I hope it will be an enjoyable one for you.
    Thanks for reading

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