The One (June 1992)

in retrogaming •  15 days ago

    Cover of the June 1992 issue of The One

    The One was a U.K. published magazine that covered 16-bit computer and video games. The specific systems covered varied over the years it was published. By 1992 it was pretty much exclusively an Amiga magazine. The June 1992 issue includes:

    • The Disks - This magazine came with cover disks for your Amiga with all kinds of goodies. This month's disks included Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis (demo), Galaxians (public domain), Formula One Grand Prix Cheats, Pushover, and more.

    • News - Virgin to distribute Cannon Fodder, Gamemaster TV show to return, Bart Versus the World to be converted for Amiga, Hook conversion coming for the Amiga, Titus working on Crazy Cars III, and more.

    • Letters - Letters from readers about Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker, making games from old movies, adult games, and more.

    • Team 17 Interview - An interview with members of the then one year old Team 17. Alien Breed was probably their biggest hit at that time.

    • Table of Contents from the June 1992 issue of The One

    • Work In Progress - A look at games under development including Premiere, Zool, Galactic, and Rookies.

    • A600 - A look at the new Amiga 600. It was basically an Amiga 500 in a newer (and smaller) form factor.

    • Reviews - Reviews of Sensible Soccer (Renegade), Legend (Mindscape), Jim Power (Loricel), Hostile Breed (Palace), Jaguar XJ220 (Core Design), Ork (Psygnosis), Ashes of Empire (Mirage), Dune (Virgin), Floor 13 (Virgin), The Addams Family (Ocean), Colin Curly's Pushover (Ocean), G-Loc (US Gold), and Wizkid (Ocean).

    • Kill Zone - Tips and tricks for Titus The Fox (Titus), Shadowlands (Domark), Harlequin (Gremlin), F1 Grand Prix (Microprose), The Blues Brothers (Titus), Final Fight (US Gold), Supercars 2, and more.

    • Table of Contents from the June 1992 issue of The One (continued)

    • Win a Dune(?) - Win prizes with a Dune theme including the movie, the book, the game, or a poster.

    • Cheapos - A look at currently available bargain priced games including Anarchy, Pro Tennis Tour, International 3D Tennis, The Shoot-'Em-Up Construction Kit, Steg, Dizzy's Excellent Adventures, and more.

    • Win A Hard Drive - A competition to win a GVP hard drive for the Amiga 500.

    • PD Zone - A look at the latest public domain titles and collections.

    • Previews - Previews of soon to be released games including Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge (US Gold/Lucasfilm), Risky Woods (Electronic Arts), Red Zone (Psygnosis), Silly Putty (System 3), Rampart (Domark), and Aquaventura (Psygnosis).

    Back cover of the June 1992 issue of The One

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