How My Restless Soul Has Feed My Creativity

in restless •  2 months ago

    Image generated by the author using Copilot (Dall-E) @2024

    I’m a restless soul, I have always been and will always be. I blame my upbringing where we moved 5 times before I moved out to live my own life. The interesting thing about that is that I have continued with the moving on my own. The address I have now is my 27th! That’s about one move every second year. That’s ofc not accurate, but you get the general idea.

    I’m a restless soul, but I have settled down now, both by choice and because Parkinson's is not letting me move around so much anymore.

    And No, I’m not diagnosed with anything in the Asperger's direction. I’m just built this way. And it might have been my savior at many times in my life.

    The past almost four years I think that restlessness has helped me on my creativity journey. I have never been competing with anybody else than myself, but I’m a hard contester to compete with. When I look back at these past years, from 2020 until now. I sometimes can’t grasp the magnitude of what I have created. But at the same time, I will always wonder if my energies had allowed me if I could have kept that productivity up longer.

    We can assume that being restless isn’t a bad thing, at least not for everyone.

    Embracing my restless nature has not only opened doors to new opportunities but also helped me break free from my comfort zone. It has enabled me to take risks, face challenges, and push myself beyond my limits. Through embracing change and being open to new experiences, I have been able to learn and grow in ways I never thought possible.

    Being restless has taught me the importance of staying curious, seeking out new perspectives, and adapting to different situations. It has encouraged me to remain dynamic, flexible, and resilient in the face of adversity. Rather than viewing restlessness as a negative quality, I have come to see it as a strength that drives me to continuously seek out new challenges and strive for personal growth.

    In a world that is constantly changing and evolving, being restless has allowed me to stay ahead of the curve and remain adaptable in the face of uncertainty. It has fueled my drive for success, motivated me to pursue my passions, and inspired me to never settle for mediocrity. By embracing my restless nature, I have been able to truly thrive and lead a fulfilling and meaningful life.

    Now, as I navigate the challenges of Parkinson's, I find solace in the fact that my restless spirit has left a lasting impact on my life and the lives of those around me. It has shaped my identity, fueled my passions, and driven me to create something meaningful. I may not be able to move around as freely as before, but my restless soul continues to push me forward, inspiring me to make the most of each moment and leave a positive mark on the world.

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