Signs You Are Being Used In Your Relationship

in relationships •  4 months ago

    Unfortunately, it's becoming more common to use and discard people in relationships.
    Empathy is on the decline. People would rather take as much as they can and exit a relationship than stay long-term in a relationship and deal with potential struggles. People also seem not to want to resolve the conflict; leaving seems like a better deal than attempting to work things out.

    They Never Give
    They may give or do something for you, But there are some underlying expectations there. They may use that stuff against you or consistently remind you of it. It may be extremely subtle.
    While this may be a sign that they want praise for it, they might not have felt appreciated. If they bring that stuff up around the time they ask you something, this could be a sign that you are being used and they are keeping score.

    It's Always About Them.
    Have you ever been in one of those super draining relationships where it always seems like the other person needs your emotional or financial support because they are just going through SO MUCH RIGHT NOW?


    That their life is SO DIFFICULT.

    Yes, That might be the case, But if it's a relationship where you constantly feel like NOTHING is ever about you, you are continually tired of trying to fill their cup. This could indicate they need to care more about your issues and needs. Yes! We all have rough patches. And some people genuinely have more complicated lives. But there will always be moments when someone needs to set aside what's going on to support someone else. This is something that should ALWAYS go both ways. And if it's constantly one-sided, it will feel exhausting. And there may be times When you reach out to them. And they are nowhere to be found.

    They Don't Celebrate Your Victories

    They aren't genuinely happy for you; they may be jealous or resentful that you are getting what you want. Even if it's something they aren't even interested in having themselves. You can sometimes analyze a person's body language.
    Tell them the news and watch their face closely. Someone genuinely unhappy for you May quickly show a bothered facial expression right before they force a smile. It will be swift because they realize they need to put on a face for you. This isn't 100% foolproof, but it could be a sign.


    Other Clues...
    They offload problems on you But aren't there when you need support (emotional dumpster)
    They expect you to do all the work, adjusting your schedule to make plans. They don't do the same for you
    Conversations are always one-sided. They never ask how you are doing.
    They want to know who you know so that they can use your connections.
    They don't celebrate your victories.
    They expect you to be generous, but they don't appreciate it.
    They encourage you to change harmless things. To fit what THEY want you to be.
    They keep your relationship private when they post 24/7. Or they don't introduce you to friends and family.
    They guilt trip you every time you say no.
    They only give you compliments when you are doing something for them.

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