4 Ways She'll Try And Make You Jealous

in relationship •  4 months ago

    Sometimes, when a woman wants to make you jealous, it won’t be obvious; it may be very subtle.

    Being Overly Flirtatious

    This one will be pretty obvious, especially if she’s normally not acting this way with others. (Some of us have more bubbly personalities that sometimes seem flirty.) Her goal is usually to get a reaction out of you. So, it might be in your best interest to not react at all. It will take the fun out of it. And discourage her from taking that route. Or it could be she’s trying to get validation. The ideal would be for her to get validation from herself. We all need validation sometimes. But it needs to be within reason.


    She’ll Talk about other men

    Now, if she already does this regularly, it could be just her being her normal self. But if it seems different than normal, it could be her trying to get a rise out of you. She may mention that a coworker, a guy, or an ex complimented and talked to her. Or even asked her out.

    It depends on the context in which this is said. Some women who are genuinely trying to have an open and honest relationship with you will let you know these things occurred to ensure the relationship is open and transparent overall, especially if you’ve been cheated on In the past. This may be her way of protecting your feelings and concerns about something possibility occurring (It’s probably better if you heard it from her Than someone else. )

    Take this one with a grain of salt.

    Her Social Media Behavior

    If she normally just posts everyday stuff, And now she’s posting selfies or very revealing photos, That’s an issue. It’s not uncommon for a woman’s comment section to fill up with compliments; again, it could be to show you that she has other options. Or as a way to get your attention overall.


    Emphasizing Her Independence

    We all know these days that women tend to want men rather than fully needing them. But it can be rude to sit and rub it in. She may focus more on her hobbies or her friends. While this doesn’t have to be a bad thing, Some women will use it as a way to make you jealous. It may also be a way for her to show her value.

    These behaviors can be overall frustrating. Your response can help prevent it from happening, such as by not reacting to it. Addressing the behavior directly will encourage her to discuss what is bothering her.

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