"Ninety-Five Senses"

in psychology •  3 months ago

    ¿Only 95 Senses?

    Today is Tuesday. And therefore today I had planned to publish a trio of tunes for this week's Three Tunes Tuesday. Well, just to ever post them on time. Unlike other weeks that I'm always late. But then, I started noticing some weird things in Hive that made me change my mind.

    Yep, weird things like if hive.blog was not loading the images. And also seeing how the automated votes apparently were not working. By which, it also gave the impression that these known big "content curators" with double-digit vote$ were not doing their work either.

    Hey, all this only judging by the monetary values that at that moment the posts were showing on the stellar pages of Hive in relation to those favorite authors that these well-known big "content curators" use to grant them hefty vote$ way so often. Earlier, none of these posts were worth more than nine dollars. ¿Wouldn't you find that weird too?

    So, instead of publishing my musical post to entertain, distract and relax you. I rather decided to publish this one better, just to make you think a little bit. Even though I know very well that people don't like to think much these days. Especially, if someone tries to make them think. Which is what I like to do when I'm not entertaining you, distracting, relaxing and delighting you with the good music that I share with you from time to time.

    And I suspect that people today don't like to think for a very simple reason. Especially on internet and when they are online on a "social network" like this one of Hive. Because, ¿who nowadays would like to walk into a bar after a busy day of work only to have someone come and talk to them about serious things that make them think?

    Nah, people come to bars online like this one in Hive just to be entertained, distracted, have fun and most of all, to see if they can make a few cents. Apart from trying to have a good time if they can. So, why would they be interested in coming here to think or to expose themselves to someone who makes them think, eh?

    But hey, what can I do? ¿Huh? Anyway, I love taking them out of their comfort zone and making them break their leisure rules whenever I can. Oh gosh! I can't help it!

    So prepare yourself. That right now I will give you your brain and neural massage so that you can get in tune with the traits of a true thinking being. That I will give you the music to entertain you, distract you and relax you on other day in this same week. ¿Are you ready?

    I don't know if you were ready or not. But here above you have how it looks like to be subjected to a good cerebral and neural massage in order to become into a true analytical and useful thinking being and leave behind so much leisure, pleasure, entertainment, distraction, fun and nothing more. Because you have to get serious from time to time.

    So, now that you're supposed to be ready. Prepare to «click» right away. Consume thought-provoking content for at least twelve minutes. And then thereafter you already will decide if you think about it, reflect on it or meditate on it or not. ¿Understood?

    Yep, only 95 Senses!

    ¿Content consumed? Okay, now start to think, reflect and meditate on what was consumed. That I will give you the music and entertainment you yearn another day. And once you have completed the important assigned task today, then you already may return back safe to your customary virtual reality world and online bars whenever you want. I just hope we see each other again next Tuesday of reflection.

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    Cranky Gandalf


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