Well in the end, apparently, congenitally, human beings weren't/aren't as bad as we thought...

in psychology •  5 months ago

    Oh yeah, for me this is a quite interesting video that I think you should watch from beginning to end. One of those that is truly worth watching. One video that I would certainly recommend watching with complete and absolute attention. And after watching it, to reflect and to meditate for a while on it to see what you learned. Because I guess that in the end, you will have had to learn something new, right?

    This is a video that is all spoken in Spanish. But that doesn't mean it stops being interesting for you. Even so, I will continue to recommend it because it is very well made. And the language in which it is narrated should not represent any problem for you to understand it perfectly well in all its details, if you simply activate the English subtitles in the player bar or in any other language you choose.

    Yep, YouTube already makes language video translations too easy to use these days.

    And this video mainly talks about an old anthropological and social problem from which many myths have been derived about the true innate human behavior. And after you have seen the video, the truth is I don't know and I can't guess what your opinion and conclusion might be about what you have seen. But I would bet you're going to lean towards one of the two sides of the myths scale. Yeah, one of the two sides. In one way or another.

    However, it gives me the impression, at least to me, that the author of the video ends the video thinking, believing and being convinced that human beings are intrinsically good. That human beings are born good boys but who in a short time are manipulated and corrupted to stop being so. That in a short time they are subjected and forced to follow rules, dogmas and disciplines that force them to stop being good persons.

    Rules, norms, dogmas and disciplines for which they are conditioned, indoctrinated, trained and formed by their close social environment. Being brainwashed by their society, religion, their culture, their governments, their schools and universities, the technology and any entity or individuals that in one way or another exercise a position of power or authority over them. Preventing them from developing their bonhomie, kindliness, brotherhood and goodwill naturally. And therefore they invariably end up being a bunch of useful fools at the service of the power in power.

    Yeah, I admit that many will not remain subjected to those virtual reality fantasies indefinitely. And at some point they will end up waking up from all that evil stupor in which they have been immersed and kept captive for so long. But there is a category of human beings who probably won't. They won't wake up. Because for me they are the worst of the litter. Those who are already too weak or have been too weakened as to be able to awaken.

    And those are the video game fans. The brainwashed video-gamers. Who I reckon they are already irrecoverable human beings whose consciousness has already been altered and affected to such a degree and extreme in their belief that with a remote control and pressing a few buttons they are already incapable of realizing the damage they cause or could cause with their brainless and stupid remote actions from afar. And therefore they will continue to blindly follow the instructions for what they have been instructed and manipulated without any further questioning.

    Yeah, let's brainstorm!

    Brain Tea

    That in certain way I also believe that many human beings could indisputably have been born being good. But these goddamnit video-gamers who have already learned to do evil from afar without having to face their peers or adversaries face to face close enough as to have developed a minimal sense of the self-preservation of the species.

    These current MoFos actually deserves to live within a Black Mirror episode and become targeted by a million ADIs (Autonomous Drone Insects) when everyone conscious will put them under the #DeathTo hashtag in social media so that they can continue enjoying, for a while, of their mindless and violent virtual reality world full of inconsideration, ignorance, negligence and lack of empathy towards their peers.

    «Now some true history»

    And yeah, I think I will leave this post right until here. I just hope that you really watch all the videos from start to finish and that you have «clicked» on everything that is clickable in this article if you really want or wanted to learn something new.

    ¡Happy start of the week and until a next episode folks!

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